英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 19:09:39


英 [ˈtrævəlɒg]

美 [ˈtrævəˌlɔɡ, -ˌlɑɡ]



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  • 旅行纪录片[亦作travelog]
  • 旅行见闻讲演
  • 游记
  • 旅游广播节目
  • 旅行报告(会)
  • 旅行见闻
  • 观光影片


1. a film or illustrated lecture on traveling

Synonym: travelog

1. 旅行见闻讲座;旅行纪录片
A travelogue is a talk or film about travel or about a particular person's travels.

1. 旅行家:中国报道 China Report | 旅行家 Travelogue | 中国各地 Around China

2. 观光影片:trailer 预告片 | travelogue 观光影片 | treatment 故事剧本

3. travelogue的解释

3. 旅行见闻讲演:travelog 旅行见闻讲座 | travelogue 旅行见闻讲演 | travels in the blue 沉思

4. 旅行见闻,游记:harangue .....夸夸其谈地演讲;大声训斥 | eclogue 田园诗,牧歌 | travelogue 旅行见闻,游记

If you're stuck inside, watch a travelogue, look at funny pictures, listen to comedians or children laughing or nature sounds or new music.(如果你被困在户内,那就看看旅行记录片,看看搞笑的图片,听听喜剧演员,孩子们的笑声,自然的声音或者新的音乐。)
Marco Polo 's travelogue mentions that Kublai Khan sent envoys to Malgache.(马可波罗游记中提到忽必烈曾派使节到过马尔加什。)
His new book, "the routes of Man", is presented as a travelogue, a record of the author's journeys along six different routes around the globe.(他的新书“人们的道路”是一部旅行游记,记录了作者全球旅行的六个不同路线。)
The result is not only a fascinating travelogue, but also a personal meditation on loss and fate.(最终她得到并不只是一场神奇的旅行,也是对于遗失与命运的个人思索。)
This paper attempts to analysis the writing situation of urban travelogue, so as to explore the unique aesthetic qualities of City Travels in new era.(本文试图通过对城市游记书写状况的分析,从而探讨新时期城市游记独特的审美品质。)
To read it as travelogue, as sentimentalism, as regionalism or as simple romance is to miss the full human reality of its women's experience.(阅读它作为旅游指南,为感情,为区域或那样简单浪漫是错过了完整的人类现实的妇女的经验。)
In order that our more foreign friends know about Chinese landscape culture, is trying to write travelogue in English.(为了让我们的外国朋友更加了解中国的山水文化,试着用英语写篇游记。)
And in 1804, the score of the song appeared in the book "A Travelogue from China", written by British diplomat John Bellow.(1804年,这首歌的曲谱出现在由英国外交官巴罗所著的《中国旅行记》中。)
He wrote a travelogue, "the Voyage of the Beagle," that was an immediate best seller and remains a classic of its kind.(他做了旅游记录,《猎兔犬号航海记》,立刻成为畅销书,直到现在仍然是同类书中的经典。)
By 2003's The Da Vinci Code, Brown had clearly honed his pop-lit formulation of improbable plot twists, historical trivia and travelogue.(在2003年的那本《达芬奇密码》中,丹·布朗已经通过看似不可能的曲折情节、历史琐事和游记为前传埋下了线索。)
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