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更新时间:2025-03-10 21:52:36



英 [tɪˈrænɪkl]

美 [tɪˈrænɪkəl, taɪ-]


副词: tyrannically 异体字: tyrannic 名词: tyrannicalness

  • 英英释义

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1. characteristic of an absolute ruler or absolute rule
having absolute sovereignty

e.g. an authoritarian regime
autocratic government
despotic rulers
a dictatorial rule that lasted for the duration of the war
a tyrannical government

Synonym: authoritarianautocraticdictatorialdespotictyrannic

2. marked by unjust severity or arbitrary behavior

e.g. the oppressive government
oppressive laws
a tyrannical parent
tyrannous disregard of human rights

Synonym: oppressivetyrannous

1. (人)暴君似的,专横的,残暴的
If you describe someone as tyrannical, you mean that they are severe or unfair towards the people that they have authority over.

e.g. He killed his tyrannical father with a blow to the head...
e.g. His behavior grew more unpredictable by the day, and increasingly tyrannical.

2. (政府或组织)专制的,暴政的,暴虐的
If you describe a government or organization as tyrannical, you mean that it acts without considering the wishes of its people and treats them cruelly or unfairly.


e.g. ...one of the world's most oppressive and tyrannical regimes.

1. 暴虐的:tyrannic 暴虐的 | tyrannical 暴虐的 | tyrannically 残暴地

2. 残暴的家伙:100 MERCILESS 决不留情 20 | 150 TYRANNICAL 残暴的家伙 35 | 200 IMMORTAL 不再是凡人 40

3. tyrannical在线翻译

3. 暴君的:Innate: 天生的 | Tyrannical: 暴君的 | Anatomy: 解剖学

4. tyrannical什么意思

4. 暴君的,暴政的;萨达姆那样的:typical 典型的;来自type类型 | tyrannical 暴君的,暴政的;萨达姆那样的 | ultimate 终极的,根本的;

  • 经典引文

  • Miletus, after the overthrow of a tyrannical dynasty, was split into two factions.

    出自:C. Thirlwall
This tradition has exercised an almost tyrannical power over thinking about the relations of men and women, for more than a hundred years.(这种传统的运行让一种几乎是残暴的力量存在于男人的女人的关系之中,差不多一百年之久。)
The earth was saved by a strong and tyrannical archer named Hou Yi.(一名身弱体壮、脾气鼓鼓残暴实喊先羿的弓箭脚挽救了人间。)
Tyrannical Hollywood film moguls ruled their stars' lives.(好莱坞电影巨头操纵着旗下明星的生活。)
Without any attempt to check or restrain it, society would soon collapse since minds would be overflowing with its tyrannical influence.(不设法去检查或约束它,社会便很快的堕落,因为心灵将被它暴虐的感染力所泛滥。)
But Thomas (Vincent Cassel), the company's tyrannical director, tells her that perfection isn't enough.(但是专横的剧团总监托马斯(文森特•卡索尔饰)却告诉妮娜仅仅完美还不够。)
Overcoming ill health and the jealous objections of her tyrannical father, she eloped to Italy with Robert Browning and married him in1846.(她克服了疾病和她暴虐父亲的专横反对,与罗伯特·朗宁私奔到意大利,并于1846年与他结婚。)
But the line between authoritative and tyrannical in these matters in this part of the world is horrifically blurred.(但是该地区在这种事情上权威和残暴的界线模糊的令人震惊。)
Not only is it powerful, but there is no greater nor more tyrannical combine.(它不仅是强大的,但也不是没有更大更强横结合。)
And who are you, then, that arrogate to yourself this tyrannical right over free and rational beings?(那么你认为你是谁,竟敢用这种暴虐的态度对待自由而理智的人?)
You can be tyrannical and alienating , at times .(有时候,你可以是霸道跟疏远的。)
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