Arrogance is followed by destruction, and unbridled conceitedness by depravity.(自负使人毁灭,狂妄让人堕落。)
Memory is not heaven, not our unbridled laugh.(记忆不是天国。由不得我们肆无忌惮的笑。)
Whether you're in search of quiet relaxation or unbridled stimulation, Hawaii gives you the best of both.(不管你要寻找的是安静的放松或是激烈的刺激,夏威夷都可以给你最好的。)
Unbridled, love you
unbridled, want to you.(放肆,爱伱
There's not that unbridled enthusiasm. What we have here now is a very healthy venture base with a lot of good, young companies.(这次没有那无限的热情,我们这里有的是一个含有很多好的、年轻的公司的很健康的创业基地。)
Do subordinates, superiors in the face of unbridled drinking.(做下属的,最忌在上司面前肆无忌惮。)
There I would sweep her off her feet with sheer adoration and unbridled love.(我带着纯粹的爱慕和疯狂的爱恋将她一把抱起。)
These unbridled happiness, I would like to have it no longer.(这些放肆的幸福,我想以后都不会再有了。)
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