英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 21:55:23



英 [ʌnˈku:θ]

美 [ʌnˈkuθ]


副词: uncouthly 名词: uncouthness

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1. lacking refinement or cultivation or taste

e.g. he had coarse manners but a first-rate mind
behavior that branded him as common
an untutored and uncouth human being
an uncouth soldier--a real tough guy
appealing to the vulgar taste for violence
the vulgar display of the newly rich

Synonym: coarsecommonrough-cutvulgar

1. (人)粗野的,粗鄙的,粗鲁的
If you describe a person as uncouth, you mean that their behaviour is rude, noisy, and unpleasant.

e.g. ...that oafish, uncouth person.

1. 粗俗的:uncourteous 粗鲁的 | uncouth 粗俗的 | uncover 揭开

2. 粗野,笨拙:turncoat 变节者,叛徒 | uncouth 粗野,笨拙 | unwonted 不寻常的,不平衡的

3. uncouth什么意思

3. 粗野的 讨厌的 恶心的 无知的 愚蠢的 至少:But I will say this. Even though you're a vulgar man,|但... | boorish, distasteful, uncouth, uneducated, stupid, at least...|粗野的 讨厌的 恶心的 无知的 愚蠢的 至少... | - You gonna finish? - Done.|- 说...


4. 粗鲁的;笨拙的:tumid#肿胀的 | uncouth#粗鲁的;笨拙的 | abridge#缩短;删节

  • 经典引文

  • I Toild out my uncouth passage.

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  • 临近词

The sun that was just dropped into the west or the uncouth swain?(是这个刚刚沉入海湾的太阳还是那个粗鄙的年轻人?)
Only 6 per cent said they would never let their partner see them be so uncouth .(只有6%的人说他们永远不会在伴侣面前表现得如此放肆。)
This is the first moment, right now, "thus sang the uncouth swain."(这是第一次,“粗鄙的青年人吟唱着)
Because he got rid of his ignorant and uncouth sweetness, he is no longer a boy.(因为褪去了年少无知和天真烂漫,他就不再是孩子了。)
He could have begun Lycidas with this, with something like a description of the uncouth swain: "Oh, let me tell you about this uncouth swain."(他可以以类似于对粗鄙的年轻人的描写,来开始叙述:,“让我告诉你,那个粗鄙的年轻人吧。”)
She is so uncouth that no one like to play with her.(她太粗俗了以至于没有人愿意跟她一起玩。)
That's the kind of god you people talk about a country bumpkin, a clumsy, brainless, conceited, uncouth hayseed.(你们所说的就是这样一个上帝一个乡巴佬,一个笨手笨脚、呆头呆脑、自高自大、毫无修养的土包子。)
The sibyl (" witch "is such an uncouth label) responded with a supply constriction designed to drive up the price.(女预言家(“女巫”听上去让人不太舒服)则用限制供应的方法来应对,意在推升价格。)
You are rude and uncouth and presumptuous and I am leaving now.(你很粗鲁,很无礼,还很放肆。我现在要走了。)
"Those were uncouth birds," answered the Parrot.(“那些是粗野的鸟。”鹦鹉回答。)
uncouth是什么意思 uncouth在线翻译 uncouth什么意思 uncouth的意思 uncouth的翻译 uncouth的解释 uncouth的发音 uncouth的同义词