英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 21:58:44



英 [ʌnˈgeɪnli]

美 [ʌnˈɡenli]


比较级: ungainlier 最高级: ungainliest 名词: ungainliness

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1. lacking grace in movement or posture

e.g. a gawky lad with long ungainly legs
clumsy fingers
what an ungainly creature a giraffe is
heaved his unwieldy figure out of his chair

Synonym: gawkyclumsyclunkyunwieldy

2. difficult to handle or manage especially because of shape

e.g. an awkward bundle to carry
a load of bunglesome paraphernalia
clumsy wooden shoes
the cello, a rather ungainly instrument for a girl

Synonym: awkwardbunglesomeclumsy

1. (人、兽、车船)笨拙的,难看的
If you describe a person, animal, or vehicle as ungainly, you mean that they look awkward or clumsy, often because they are big.

e.g. The dog, an ungainly mongrel pup, was loping about the road...
e.g. Paul swam in his ungainly way to the side of the pool.

1. ungainly什么意思

1. 笨拙的:unfriended 没有朋友的 | ungainly 笨拙的 | ungenerous 胸襟狭窄的

2. 丑陋的:ungainliness 丑陋 | ungainly 丑陋的 | ungenerous 胸襟狭窄的

3. ungainly的解释

3. 难看的:unfurnished /无设备的/无准备的/ | ungainly /难看的/ | ungalvanized /未镀锌的/

4. ungainly在线翻译

4. 难看的, 不象样的, 笨拙的; 难看地, 不雅地:The landscape unfolded before me.风景展现在我的眼前. | ungainly难看的, 不象样的, 笨拙的; 难看地, 不雅地 | keep the room at a uniform 一致的, 一式的, 一样的temperature.使那房间保持恒温

  • 经典引文

  • An overgrown, somewhat ungainly schoolgirl.

    出自:C. Easton
  • Deafness which necessitated her carrying..an ungainly ear-trumpet.

    出自:Ina Taylor
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

She looks vacant and ungainly.(她现在看起来茫然而笨拙。)
We shall prove the following ungainly technical lemma.(我们来证明下面的冗长的技术性的引理。)
Not so long ago, this ungainly partnership was faring poorly.(不久以前,这一笨拙的伙伴关系颇不走运。)
The first ungainly prototypes had fuel-cell stacks, which produce the electricity, and drive systems so bulky there was room for little more than the driver.(第一款样子笨拙的原型车安装着若干燃料电池架,庞大驾驶系统几乎占据了除驾驶员座席外的其他空间。)
What this grim, ungainly, gaunt, and ominous bird of yore.(这只狰狞丑陋可怕不吉不祥的古鸟何出此言。)
Although the ungainly T-Mobile G1 is the first Android phone, it won't be the last; Android phones will soon come in all shapes and sizes, and on all kinds of networks.(尽管第一款Android手机T-MobileG1很难看,但以后还有新的Android手机。不同的外观和大小,不同的网络服务。)
The thick, ungainly boots can cut off a woman's legs in a most unflattering way - resembling two stuffed animals gnawing at the feet.(这种厚厚的、样子丑陋的靴子以最不讨好的方式将女性的腿掩藏起来,就像两只吃饱了的动物在啃人的脚。)
If you are naturally athletic, you will do better in the sports arena, then the person who is a bit ungainly.(如果你强壮健康,在体育界你会做得更好,然后变成一个有点笨拙的人。)
However, if each component of the running action is carefully analyzed and developed, even the most ungainly runners can find improvement.(但是,如果仔细地分析和开发跑步动作的每一个细节,即使是最没长进的跑步者也可以有所提高。)
He was a tall, ungainly boy of 18.(他是个个子高而笨拙的18岁小伙子。)
ungainly是什么意思 ungainly在线翻译 ungainly什么意思 ungainly的意思 ungainly的翻译 ungainly的解释 ungainly的发音 ungainly的同义词