FOR all its vaunted decentralisation, the Internet is a top-down affair when it comes to security.(对于其所吹嘘的分权,当谈论到因特网的安全时,其是自上而下的问题。)
More basically, Britain’s vaunted liberalised-market model is looking ragged.(更基本的问题是,英国大肆吹捧的自由市场模型现在看来是漏洞百出。)
And why did the vaunted Japanese educational system play an insignificant role in stemming the country's recession?(为什么倍受追捧的日本教育在阻止本国经济萧条上担当的是无足轻重的角色?)
The vaunted Latino family is coming to resemble the black family.(过分受赞的拉美家庭正接近黑人家庭状况。)
The vaunted new wireless technology promises to combine the speed of broadband Internet access with the ubiquity of mobile phones.(这项受人吹捧的新型无线技术可望将宽带网速与普及的移动电话相结合。)
Even the much-vaunted state sector is feeling the pinch.(甚至连备受赞誉的国有部门也感受到手头紧的滋味。)
Kids need a range of authentic role models—as opposed to members of their clique, pop stars and vaunted athletes.(孩子们需要一些真正的榜样,而不是他们小圈子里的人、流行歌星或自吹自擂的运动员那样的。)
The Fed is losing its vaunted status as an institution that somehow is above politics and public scrutiny.(美联储已经失去了它作为一个机构吹嘘的地位。)
California's much-vaunted high-speed rail project is, to put it bluntly, a train wreck.(加州夸大其词的高速铁路计划,说穿了,就是一列车残骸。)
Their much vaunted reforms did not materialize.(他们大肆吹嘘的改革并没有实现。)
vaunted是什么意思 vaunted在线翻译 vaunted什么意思 vaunted的意思 vaunted的翻译 vaunted的解释 vaunted的发音 vaunted的同义词