英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 19:39:36



英 [ˈvɜ:tɪbrə]

美 [ˈvɜ:rtɪbrə]


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名词复数: vertebrae

  • 详情解释

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  • 椎骨
  • 【解】脊椎
  • 【解】脊椎骨
  • 脊骨中的一节
  • 脊椎骨节
  • 装甲波导管


1. one of the bony segments of the spinal column

1. 脊椎;椎骨;脊柱
Vertebrae are the small circular bones that form the spine of a human being or animal.

1. 椎骨:(一)椎骨(vertebra)椎骨在幼儿时期总数为33~34块. 依所在部位由上而下分为颈椎7块、胸椎12块、腰椎5块、骶椎5块和尾椎4~5块,成年后5块骶椎融合成1块骶骨,所有尾椎融合为1块尾骨,所以成人椎骨总数为26块. (二) 胸骨(sternum)是1块扁骨,

2. 脊椎:脊柱由脊椎(vertebra)和其间的椎间盘(initervertebral disc)所组成. 除第 1颈椎外,每个脊椎分椎体及椎弓两部分. 椎弓由椎弓根、椎弓板、棘突、横突和关节突组成. 同侧上下两个关节突组成脊椎小关节,有关节软骨和关节囊. 在正位片上,

3. 脊椎骨:有些人由于脊椎骨( vertebra )损伤过度,不得不靠止痛药度日. (患骨质疏松症而驼背的案例,不在本文讨论范围之内. )人体的脊柱依部位可分为五类:颈脊( cervical spine )七椎、胸脊( thoracic spine )十二椎、腰脊( lumbar spine )五椎、骶骨( sacrum )五椎融铸成一、尾骶骨( coccyx )三或四椎融铸成一.

4. vertebra

4. 椎骨,脊椎:verso 背面,书的左页,书的反页 | vertebra 椎骨,脊椎 | vertebral arteriogram needle 椎骨动脉描记图针

He moved down the spine toward the tail, probing around each vertebra with the handle of his brush.(他拿着刷子,移向尾部脊椎,细细摸索。)
She suffered facial bruising and a fractured vertebra in the attack.(在那次袭击中她脸部擦伤,椎骨破裂。)
A simple sitting posture transformation, make the cervical vertebra disease incurable from relapse more and never.(一个简单的坐姿变换,让颈椎病不治自愈,永不复发。)
Vertebra is one of the many open-source projects that we've sponsored or contributed to since we were founded.(自从公司成立后,我们赞助或贡献过很多开源项目,Vertebra是其中之一。)
Vertebra is one of the bones of the backbone or spinal column.(脊椎骨是腰背骨或脊柱骨之ㄧ种骨头。)
The body appeared to have been painted and found with an additional vertebra added.(尸体看起来生前曾经历过疼痛,同时发现一段附加的脊椎骨。)
You have problem with your cervical vertebra.(您患的是颈椎病。)
In the back of the lumbar spine, each vertebra has an opening that contains a bundle of nerves.(在腰椎背部,每节腰椎都有开口容纳一束神经。)
Right now the notochord cell between vertebra is added gradually much.(此时椎间的脊索细胞逐渐增多。)
Is there anything wrong with my lumbar vertebra?(我的腰椎有问题吗?)
vertebra是什么意思 vertebra在线翻译 vertebra什么意思 vertebra的意思 vertebra的翻译 vertebra的解释 vertebra的发音 vertebra的同义词