英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 22:16:49



英 [ˈvɪzɪdʒ]

美 [ˈvɪzɪdʒ]



  • 详情解释

  • 英英释义

  • 词典解释

  • 网络解释

  • 外表
  • 面容
  • 外观
  • 面貌
  • 容貌
  • 颜面
  • 外貌
  • 样子



1. the appearance conveyed by a person's face

e.g. a pleasant countenance
a stern visage

Synonym: countenance

2. the human face (`kisser' and `smiler' and `mug' are informal terms for `face' and `phiz' is British)

Synonym: countenancephysiognomyphizkissersmilermug

1. 脸;面容
Someone's visage is their face.


e.g. ...his milky-white innocent visage.

1. visage是什么意思

1. 死灵飞龙:本期大型专题地...最热文章: DotA V6.64 中英文版发布下载以及更新日志 沙加开篇语:本周地英雄专题主角是CW大热门,PUSH流地经典代表,就让俺们来看看这期地大型专题 : 死灵飞龙(Visage) 资料收集:DotA.UUU9.CoM | 沙加 本专题为游久网编辑沙加独家制作、收集、整理,

2. 容貌:在天空之中 回响著口风琴(Harmonica)的乐声...笑著说道的... 伱的容貌(Visage) 难以忘记... ...笑著逝去... 伱的面容(Image) 无法忘却......回响著口风琴(Harmonica)的声音...

  • 经典引文

  • A large man, wide of jowl and dark of visage.

    出自:New Yorker
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

She has a smiling visage.(她有一张笑吟吟的脸。)
The strong and darkly handsome visage was gaunt and haggard.(那张孔武黝黑的英俊面孔相当的疲惫憔悴。)
The maniac bellowed; she parted her shaggy locks form her visage, and gazed wildly at her visitors.(疯子吼叫起来。她把浓密蓬乱的卷发从脸上分开,狂野地瞪著她的客人。)
The fearsome visage of his breath mask reflects the dark identity that he assumed after his fall from the light side of the Force.(他的呼吸面具的恐怖面貌反映出他背弃原力光明面后的黑暗特质。)
In his voice was an old quaver which was not habitual and there was agitation in every line of his visage.(在他的声音是一个老八分音符而不是惯常出现焦躁,在每一行其有序。)
Some old customs can not only proof and supply historical documents, but also can carry up living visage of ancestor in the high antiquity.(某些残存的民俗文化不仅可与文献史料相印证,补考古资料之不足,还有助于追溯远古先民的生活面貌。)
He had gray hair, a serious eye, the sunburned complexion of a laborer, the thoughtful visage of a philosopher.(他有灰白头发,严肃的目光,面色焦黑,象个工人,精神沉郁,象个哲学家。)
His white locks added a gentle majesty to the gay radiance of his visage.(他那银丝白发使焕发的容光更增添了温柔的庄严气派。)
This is the third time I have been in Shanghai, I've found it has been a new visage.(这是我第三次到上海来,我发现了上海已呈现出一副新的面貌。)
At that moment I saw the reflection of the visage and features quite distinctly in the dark oblong glass.(这一刹那,在暗淡的鸭蛋形镜子里,我清清楚楚地看到了她面容与五官的映像。)
visage是什么意思 visage在线翻译 visage什么意思 visage的意思 visage的翻译 visage的解释 visage的发音 visage的同义词