英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-25 00:11:48



英 [ˈvɪsərə]

美 [ˈvɪsərə]


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1. internal organs collectively (especially those in the abdominal cavity)

e.g. `viscera' is the plural form of `viscus'

Synonym: entrailsinnards

1. 内脏;脏腑
Viscera are the large organs inside the body, such as the heart, liver, and stomach.

1. viscera什么意思

1. 内脏:广义的内脏(Viscera)概念是指身体内部的器官,狭义的内脏是指绝大部分位于体腔(胸腔、腹腔和骨盆腔)内的器官,一般包括消化、呼吸、泌尿和生殖四个系统,其共同特点是:每个器官都直接或间接地以一端或两端与外界环境相通,


2. 脏:内脏(viscera)包括动物的心、肝、胃、肠、脾、肾等,一般不包括肺. 头部的肌肉组织(包括舌)一般也可以属于肉,也可以归类为副产品. 条文理解 卫生标准操作程序(SSOP)指食品企业所必须实施的文件化的卫生控制程序. 是对食品加工过程卫生的控制,

3. 脏腑 脏器:visbreaking 减粘 减粘裂化 减粘轻度裂化 破粘裂化 | viscera 脏腑 脏器 | viscera-statedoctrine 脏象学说

4. 内脏 肠:guts 肠 | viscera 内脏 肠 | entrails 内脏 肠

He was grateful he was not on the "vis line" - where turkeys get cleaned of their viscera.(他很庆幸他不是在“内脏线”上工作—在那里,人们的工作就是将火鸡内脏清理干净。)
Trigger Functions - Here the viscera of your trigger are displayed.(触发器函数-在这里,您的内脏触发的显示。)
Its branches distributed to pelvic bone and pelvic viscera.(其分支分布至盆腔脏器和骨盆。)
Every viscera and all parts of body are all something but nothing.(各个脏腑,身体各个部分,也都是若有若无的。)
Total 10 negative feedback system comprise five viscera automatic control greater system.(共10个负反馈系统构成了一个“五脏自控大系统”。)
Adhesions resulting from a surgical procedure can cause pain, especially with movement of viscera.(粘连源于手术操作,能导致疼痛,尤其是内脏移动时。)
A thoracotomy provides excellent exposure to divide the adhesions between the trapped viscera and lung parenchyma.(开胸手术提供一个较优的暴露空间,可以将疝脱的腹腔脏器与肺实质间的沾黏分开。)
From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine beauty, viscera is the source of skins deep nourishment.(从中医美容的角度理解,脏腑是皮肤深层滋养的源头。)
The pigeon to hair and viscera wash, sundry, put in the pot, add water and medlar altogether when a salt stew.(将乳鸽去毛及内脏杂物,洗净,放入锅内加水与枸杞共炖,熟时加盐少许。)
Conclusion Wide application of gene chip technique will comprehensively promote deep study of channel-viscera correlativity.(结论:基因芯片技术的广泛应用将全面推动经脉脏腑相关研究工作的深入。)
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