英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-25 00:13:51



英 [ˈvɒli]

美 [ˈvɑ:li]



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名词: volleyer 名词复数: volleys 过去式: volleyed 过去分词: volleyed 现在分词: volleying 第三人称单数: volleys

  • 双解释义

  • 英英释义

  • 词典解释

  • 网络解释

  • [C] 群射,齐射 a number of shots fired at the same time
  • [C] 截击,拦击 a kicking or hitting of a ball before it has hit the ground
  • vi. 群射,齐射 (of guns) be fired all together
  • vt. & vi. 截击(球) hit or kick (a ball) before it has hit the ground


1. a tennis return made by hitting the ball before it bounces

2. rapid simultaneous discharge of firearms

e.g. our fusillade from the left flank caught them by surprise

Synonym: fusilladesalvoburst


1. utter rapidly

e.g. volley a string of curses

2. make a volley

3. discharge in, or as if in, a volley

e.g. the attackers volleyed gunshots at the civilians

4. hit before it touches the ground

e.g. volley the tennis ball

5. be dispersed in a volley

e.g. gun shots volleyed at the attackers

1. 截踢,截击(空中球)
In sport, if someone volleys the ball, they hit it before it touches the ground.

e.g. He volleyed the ball spectacularly into the far corner of the net...
e.g. McNeil volleyed more effectively in the second set.

2. (子弹的)群射,齐发
A volley of gunfire is a lot of bullets that travel through the air at the same time.

e.g. It's still not known how many died in the volleys of gunfire...
e.g. Three mounted officers rode into the field after the volley.

1. 截击空中球:Halsted)根据网球截击空中球(Volley)的观念,定名为 Volleyball. 西元 1947 年於法国成立排球联盟组织,1949 年於捷克举办第一次世界男子锦标赛,1952 年第二届起增设女子锦标赛. 排球发明后在欧美地区发展为六人制排球,

2. 截击:在此我先做一个简短的回答:我建议以半西式的握拍(semi-Western)打正手拍,以东方式握拍(Eastern grip)打单手反手拍,以东方式正手握拍(Eastern forehand grip)来握双手反拍位于上方的一手,以大陆式握拍(Continental)截击(volley)和发球.


3. 齐射:5-7块碎片,32点刺穿伤害9 1点能量消耗,6-7块碎片,35点刺穿伤害10 1点能量消耗,6-8块碎片,38点刺穿伤害11 1点能量消耗,6-8块碎片,41点刺穿伤害12 1点能量消耗,7-9块碎片,45点刺穿伤害 齐射(Volley)主动技能 一种使用

  • 常用例句

  • 经典引文

  • They fired in disciplined volleys.
  • Her volley was quite impossible to return.
  • Rifles and cannons volleyed on all sides.
  • His timing when he volleys is so good.
  • Another volley shot rang out from behind the gateway.

    出自:G. P. R. James
  • The royal troops..fired such a volley of musketry as sent the rebel horse flying.

    出自:Ld Macaulay
  • Another deadly volley..and scarcely a man was left on his feet.

    出自:J. G. Farrell
  • 近义词

  • 反义词

  • 临近词

Volley of shadow swords: Launches swords at one target not the main aggro. Deals 1250 shadow damage to that target.(暗影箭连射:向一个目标发射出很多的暗影箭,非主要攻击者。对那个目标造成1250点暗影伤害。)
A cannon volley boomed as the two skiers, dragging three sleds, carrying two kayaks, and accompanied by 28 dogs, headed north.(当他们带着三只雪橇、两条皮艇以及二十八只狗向着北方出发的时候,弗拉姆号上两门火炮齐鸣向他们致敬。)
It is as easy to dodge a volley as a single shot.(躲避排枪与躲避单枪是一样容易的。)
He played a backhand volley.(他用反手截击球。)
She hit a forehand volley into the net.(她正手截击球未过网。)
Nadal was well positioned to play a forehand volley on that shot but chose to let it go.(纳达尔本应该能很好地发挥,打出了一个正手截击,但他选择让这个机会轻易溜走。)
Score another point in the "con" column for naked singularities. We eagerly await the next volley in this fascinating scientific debate.(否定裸奇点存在的人又得了一分。我们十分迫切地期待这场引人入胜的科学大讨论中的下一幕大戏。)
They fired off a volley of shots.(他们举枪齐射。)
The entrance to the village was barricaded, but at the first volley of Prussian canister, all took to flight again, and Lobau was taken.(在进村子处设了防御工事,但是普鲁士的弹片一飞,大家全又逃散了,于是罗博就缚。)
These are goals where the player manufactures the volley himself, having received either a flat pass or a bouncing one.(这是一些球员接到平直或弹跳的传球后,自己制造出的凌空抽射。)
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