英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 22:20:47



英 [ˈwɔ:lnʌt]

美 [ˈwɔlˌnʌt, -nət]



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  • [C] 胡桃(树) (a tree that produces) an eatable nut shaped like a human brain
  • [U] 胡桃木 the wood of this tree,considered to be excellent for furniture


1. nut of any of various walnut trees having a wrinkled two-lobed seed with a hard shell

2. any of various trees of the genus Juglans

Synonym: walnut tree

3. hard dark-brown wood of any of various walnut trees
used especially for furniture and paneling

1. 胡桃;核桃
Walnuts are edible nuts which have a wrinkled shape and a hard round shell that is light brown in colour.

e.g. ...chopped walnuts.

2. 胡桃树;核桃树
A walnut tree or a walnut is a tree on which walnuts grow.

1. walnut什么意思

1. 胡桃木:用途:制作木管乐器、民族乐器以及提琴指板、腮拖等乐器零部件(并且可以能很好的保证低音的清晰和延音的延续性) 胡桃木(WALNUT) 非常温暖,纹理直顺,色泽美观,年轮分明 玫瑰木.红木(ROSEWOOD) 产地:非洲,印度,马来西亚,

2. 核桃:项目概况:核桃(Walnut)是我国具有几千年栽培历史的传统经济作物,近几年在种植、生产、加工、出口等方面,具有稳定发展的趋势. 据资料表明,自90年以来,国内核桃的生产量逐步上升,从栽培区域的角度,依据地理、气候因素、核桃生物学特性和社会经济因素均表明,

3. walnut什么意思

3. 核桃市:每月一次在核桃市 (Walnut) 聚会, 他们的配偶和孩子代祷. 另外也可以接触未信主的朋友, 提供信仰和亲子关系的引导. 不少非基督很愿意让他们的孩子来参加活现少年领袖班和服侍社区的活动, 更有不少父亲们亲临来支持!

  • 常用例句

  • Are there walnuts in this sauce?
  • This is a cabinet made of walnut.
Among the bending hickory and walnut trees, her feet slightly wary of crawfish in the icy water.(在弯弯曲曲的山核桃和核桃树之间,她的脚在冰冷的水里小心翼翼地提防着小龙虾。)
Sweet dumpling is small dumpling balls made of glutinous rice flour with rose petals, sesame, walnut meat, dried fruit, sugar.(汤圆是用糯米粉做皮,由玫瑰花瓣、芝麻、豆酱、枣泥、胡桃肉、干果、糖和食用油做馅,做成的小面球团。)
Groves of willow and walnut trees sheltered pretty terraces of vines, maize, pumpkins and potatoes.(柳树和核桃树荫护着参差的葡萄藤蔓,玉米,南瓜和土豆也在树荫下生长。)
She watches him plane the surface of a walnut board.(她看着他刨一块胡桃木板。)
"Try sticking a walnut in your mouth and then biting on it. It's not so easy," Strait says.(“尝试把一颗核桃塞进嘴里,然后咬一咬。咬碎没那么容易,”斯特雷特说。)
Pleas quote us your lowest price CIF Hamburg for 10mt of walnut meat.(请报10吨核桃仁最低的CIF汉堡价格。)
Yeah, not a walnut.(是的,不仅仅是核桃仁哦。)
One of the first display cases houses something that looks like a walnut or a fruit pit;(在首批展示盒中,有个展品貌似一个核桃或果核;)
It really does look like a walnut.(这看起来真的像两个胡桃。)
King among the nuts is the walnut.(坚果中的王者是核桃。)
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