英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 22:22:18



英 [ˈwɔ:ʃɪp]

美 [ˈwɔ:rʃɪp]



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  • 军舰
  • 舰艇
  • 战船
  • 战舰
  • 兵船



1. a government ship that is available for waging war

Synonym: war vesselcombat ship

1. 军舰; 战船
A warship is a ship with guns that is used for fighting in wars.

1. 军舰:1664 年英国派军舰( warship )开抵曼哈顿,实力衰竭的荷兰军队无力抵抗,被迫将新阿姆斯特丹拱手让给英国. 后来随着这一地段人口增加,经济渐趋繁荣,木栏墙反而成了一道障碍. 因此, 1699 年英国人拆除了此墙,将原址改建为街道,

2. warship的近义词

2. 战舰:在游戏中,会出现一些Nubian部落的人,他们常喜爱从南面的海面入侵你的王国,为此你要在南部海面安排3至4艘战舰(warship)守卫,这样你就能安心进行生产建设了.

3. 舰:诺曼在球体内遇到普费,普费也运用了外星技术改造了一把开火机制复杂的枪械,能够发射出冰冻光束,然而普费的生化装已经受损,诺曼必须护卫他至附近的热源来补充能量,最终逃离球体,同时,他们也看到了一架巨型外星船舰(Warship)从头顶飞过.

4. warship的解释

4. 军舰,战舰:木船 wooden vessel | 军舰,战舰 warship | 水质检查 water examination

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

The country has been in a sort of shock since the sinking of a South Korean warship, the Cheonan, on March 26th.(韩国天安号战舰于3月26日沉没后,该国震惊了。)
Among the English vessels was a warship by the name of Mary Rose.(英国舰艇中有一艘叫玛丽·罗斯的军舰。)
The program selected the military’s most talented pilots to undergo surface warship vessels leadership training.(挑选海军航空兵最优秀的飞行员进行水面舰艇指挥培训。)
East Africa does not have a single warship in good shape.(东非没有一艘完好无损的军舰。)
Even then, a helicopter would typically need around an hour to get from a warship to the scene of an imminent attack.(尽管到了那时,直升飞机从军舰到发生海盗袭击地点大概也需要一个小时。)
The submarine had had time to submerge before the warship could approach.(潜水艇没等军舰靠近就及时潜入水下了。)
The Navy is to launch a new warship today.(海军今天有一艘新军舰要下水。)
The sinking of the Cheonan warship claimed the lives of 46 South Korean sailors.(天安舰的沉没造成46名韩国海员的死亡。)
The first example of GRID will be installed on a warship this year.(首个GRID系统的样本将于今年安装到一艘军舰上。)
The children toured the warship.(孩子们参观了那艘军舰。)
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