英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 22:26:10
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1. 举重:姓名:龙清泉(Long Qingquan) 性别:男 籍贯:湖南省湘西自治州龙山县 出生日期:1990.12.3 身高:1.56米 体重:56公斤 项目:举重(weight lifting) 民族:苗族 [成长经历] [编辑本段] 龙清泉自幼活泼好动,爱好体育,很小就被选入龙山县体校进行学习,

2. weight-lifting是什么意思

2. 骑 cycling 举重:骑马 horse riding | 骑 cycling 举重 weight lifting | 体操 gymnastics

3. 十二、举重:3、冰球运动 Ice Hockey | 十二、举重 Weight Lifting | 1、举重运动 Weight Lifting

By which we mean, of course, to do all your weight lifting in front of a mirror.(我的意思是举重的时候要在镜子的前面。)
You can't imagine that slim girl is keen on weight-lifting.(你不能想象,那个苗条的女孩竟然爱好举重。)
B You mean like gymnastics, weight-lifting and so on -things like that.(B你是说像体操、举重等之类的项目?)
Such exercises as weight-lifting are anaerobic, which require brief spurts of intense effort. They improve muscle strength or build up speed.(比如举重就是无氧运动,他需要短时间内用力屏气,这种运动增强了肌肉的力量,加快了运动的速度。。)
Exercise that stresses your muscles (like weight lifting) or creates an impact (like jogging) is best for keeping muscles strong.(那些能够给肌肉以张力(比如举重)或者产生冲量(比如慢跑)的锻炼对保持肌肉强壮是最好的。)
Early troubles with stadiums appear to have been resolved for the most part — at least until Wednesday, when part of a false ceiling collapsed at a weight-lifting venue.(早先体育馆的问题似乎已经解决了大部分-至少在周三之前,当举重馆的一部分吊顶天花板发生倒塌时。)
"Weight loss" "fishing" "weight lifting" I could go on and on but you get the idea.(我在这里给你一点儿提示,比如关于减肥啊,钓鱼啊,举重啊,我还可以给出更多,但你自己要明白我的意思。)
It allows selected younger patients to maintain an active lifestyle, including weight-lifting and manual work, without the risk of polyethylene wear.(它能够使一些年轻人继续保持一种积极的生活方式,例如举重,手工劳动等,并且没有聚乙烯磨损的风险。)
Heavy athletics is the general name for wresting boxing and weight-lifting.(重竞技项目是摔跤、拳击和举重的总称。)
You mean like gymnastics, weight-lifting and so on -things like that.(你是说像体操、举重等之类的项目?)
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