英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 22:29:30
  • 双语例句

1. O: Well, whizz-kid is an expression that means someone who is young, successful and very good at what they do.


2. He is not a financial whizz-kid like Mr Anwar.

3. COMPARED with his cabinet colleagues, Karim Massimov, Kazakhstan`s prime minister, is a digital whizz-kid.
与其他内阁成员相比,哈萨克斯坦总理Karim Massimov算得上是一个网络奇才。

4. Manchester United`s new 17 million whizz-kid was all but anonymous as he failed to make any lasting impression at the Euroborg Stadium.


5. Another backroom whizz-kid, Rohan Silva, has helped George Osborne make the policy potential of the internet a major theme of his time as shadow chancellor.
另一位幕后才子Rohan Silva身为内阁大臣帮助奥斯本把网络的政策潜能变成他同时代的一大主题。

6. COMPARED with his cabinet colleagues, Karim Massimov, Kazakhstan's prime minister, is a digital whizz-kid.

7. The conventional advice to budding entrepreneurs is that they should groom themselves to be the whizz-kid with a suit and a fascination for spreadsheets that bank managers like.

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

His bosses back in London, who viewed hostage profits with glee, trusted the whizz kid.(他的老板们回到伦敦,对他所赚得的大把金钱而欢欣鼓舞,他们信赖这个精明的小子。)
PRECOCIOUS whizz kid James Harries had his own antiques business by the age of 10 and, at 14, wrote a book called Rags To Riches.(早熟的神童詹姆斯·哈里斯(JamesHarries)在10岁前,就在做古董生意。14岁时,又写了第一本书《白手起家》。)
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