英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-25 00:26:34
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1. 清醒:368、清醒(Wide Awake)鲜艳红色,花瓣卷曲,平躺,长势好,紧凑,立性,花期中,在新西兰育成. 369、灰姑娘(Cinderella)由齿瓣品种(佛蕾德)突变而来,纯白色带草玫红色条纹和斑块,半重瓣,具不规则花瓣,花瓣边缘具整齐深裂口,呈筒状并起皱,

2. 完全清醒的:warn sb. of sth.提醒某人(有危险的或有不良后果的事预先通知 | wide awake完全清醒的 | burn the midnight oil熬夜用功;开夜车

3. 完全没睡:commonsense a.有常识的 | wide awake 完全没睡 | wide open 大敞开

4. 精明的:wide-angle 宽角度的 | wide-awake 精明的 | wide-eyed 睁大眼睛的

Peter sprang erect, as wide awake at once as a dog, and with one warning cry, he roused the others.(彼得跳了起来,像只狗一样,一下子就清醒了,他发出一声警告的叫声,把其他人都吵醒了。)
When driving, you must stay wide awake.(开车时,你必须保持完全清醒。)
In the summer she'll sleep for hours after dawn has broken. I'm left lying wide awake during those same hours.(在夏天,她天亮后还能睡几个小时,我只好躺卧在床上看着天花板。)
At last, however, John was wide awake, and together they went out into the hall.(最后,无论如何,约翰完全醒了,他们一起走到大厅里。)
Otherwise, you'll be wide awake when you should be asleep.(否则,你该睡觉的时候就容易睡不着了。)
When the first school bell rings, kids are wide awake.(当学校的第一声铃声响起时,孩子们是完全清醒的。)
I may look tired but I am really wide awake.(我看来可能很累,不过,我真的是完全清醒的。)
You have to stay wide awake in his class and pay careful attention if you want to pass his final exam later on.(你如果想在以后能通过他的期终测验,上他的课时,你就得保持清醒并十分专心地听。)
The spider, however, stayed wide awake, gazing affectionately at him and making plans for his future.(这只蜘蛛仍然很清醒地呆在那里,深情地望着她的朋友,正在为他的将来做打算。)
When we are wide awake, our consciousness contains more bits than when we are asleep.(我们的意识应该在我们醒着的时候比睡着的时候包含更多的比特。)
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