英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 22:31:21



英 [wɪntʃ]

美 [wɪntʃ]



名词: wincher 过去式: winched 过去分词: winched 现在分词: winching 第三人称单数: winches

  • 英英释义

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1. lifting device consisting of a horizontal cylinder turned by a crank on which a cable or rope winds

Synonym: windlass



1. pull or lift up with or as if with a winch

e.g. winch up the slack line

1. 绞车;卷扬机
A winch is a machine which is used to lift heavy objects or people who need to be rescued. It consists of a drum around which a rope or chain is wound.

2. 用绞车吊起
If you winch an object or person somewhere, you lift or lower them using a winch.

e.g. He would attach a cable around the chassis of the car and winch it up on to the canal bank...
e.g. The crew members were winched to safety by helicopters.

1. winch

1. 绞盘:在西方,陆军每10辆四驱卡车就最少有一辆带有绞盘,这还不包括工程部的回收车(回收车是一辆底盘由66、88重型卡车或者50吨以上的坦克改成的,它是带有24个绞越野车除了举升悬挂系统,加上防滑差速器改善越野能力外,绞盘(WINCH)也是十分重要的配件

2. 卷扬机:width 宽度 | winch 卷扬机 | wind 风


3. 绞车;纹盘:width 阔度 | winch 绞车;纹盘 | wind force 风力

  • 经典引文

  • Ten crewmen..were winched to safety by helicopter.

    出自:Sunday Express
Describes the calculations needed to choose the optimum motor, wheel and winch sizes.(描述选择最优马达、轮和绞盘尺寸所需的计算。)
No, winch motors of hold No. 1 not operational.(不,1舱的绞车电机不能工作。)
Adjusting safety device for hydraulic system of steering gear (windlass, mooring winch).(舵机(锚机、绞缆机)液压系统安全装置调整。)
In the waste dump, the Abstract is linked with the winch working Laoqin drivers turn waste rock.(在矸石山下,摘挂工老秦正配合着绞车司机在翻矸石。)
The cost of a winch alone can vary from 300 dollars on up to well over a thousand dollars.(成本一绞车,便可以有所不同,从300美元上了远远超过一千元。)
The motor of this cargo winch rotates too quickly. It needs readjusting.(这台起货机的马达旋转太快,需要重新调整。)
Thomas squatted on the forward deck, whistling tunelessly, polishing the bronze spool of the anchor winch.(托马斯蹲在前甲板上擦起锚绞车的黄铜轴,边擦边胡乱吹着口哨。)
A winch shuttles back and forth, and side to side, on a grid of rails above stacks of containers.(一台绞车在集装箱堆上方的轨道网上前后、左右穿梭。)
We want to buy Material Handle Equipment, Machine Tools, Winch Hoist Chain Hoist Machine Tools.(我们要采购材料处理设备,机床,绞车提升链提升机床。)
Purchasing a winch can be a daunting task especially if you are on a budget.(购买绞车可以是一项艰巨的任务,特别是如果你是在预算。)
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