英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-17 20:40:43


英 [ˈwɜ:kdeɪ]

美 [ˈwɜ:rkdeɪ]


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1. the amount of time that a worker must work for an agreed daily wage

e.g. they work an 8-hour day

Synonym: working day

2. a day on which work is done

Synonym: working daywork day

1. 一天的工作时间
A workday is the amount of time during a day which you spend doing your job.


e.g. His workday starts at 3.30 a.m. and lasts 12 hours.

in BRIT, usually use 英国英语通常用 working day

2. 工作日
A workday is a day on which people go to work.

e.g. What's he doing home on a workday?

1. workday的意思

1. 工作日:文明状态(CIV)--在这个窗口中,工作日(WORKDAY)、报酬(WAGES)、效率(RATIONS)、建设力量(PW)和科技力量(SCIENCE)的调节功能,与操作栏内的文明指数选项的作用是一样的,只是在这里所作的调整是针对整个国家而不是某个城市的,

2. 返回指定工作日数之前或之后某日期的系列数:WEEKDAY 将系列数转换为星期 | WORKDAY 返回指定工作日数之前或之后某日期的系列数 | YEAR 将系列数转换为年

3. 返回指定个数工作日之前或之后日期的序列号:WEEKNUM 将序列号转换为代表该星期为一年中的第几周的数字 | WORKDAY 返回指定个数工作日之前或之后日期的序列号 | YEAR 将序列号转换为年

4. workday的意思

4. 返回起始日期之前或之后相隔指定工作日的日期值:18.返回某个日期在一年中是第几周:WEEKNUM 78 | 19.返回起始日期之前或之后相隔指定工作日的日期值:WORKDAY 79 | 20.返回日期对应的年份:YEAR 80

I think we can do it in three steps that take less than 18 minutes over an eight-hour workday.(我想这个仪式可以分三步进行,在一个8小时工作日里只占不到18分钟。)
Many of us can't tell when our personal time ends and the workday begins (or vice versa).(许多人并不知道私人时间什么时候结束,工作时间什么时候开始(反之亦然)。)
In two previous posts, I described his envious workday.(在以前的两篇布告中,我表述过他令人羡慕的工作日。)
This hands-on management approach often stretches his workday from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m.(这种事必躬亲的管理方法常常使他在工作日从早晨6:00一直工作到晚上11:00。)
This may seem abnormal to people who try to crowbar as much as possible into every workday.(对于人们来说,在一个工作日塞进尽可能多的工作是不正常的。)
Or better yet, what are your secrets to getting through the 8-hour workday?(或者最好是你能不能告诉我你自己渡过8小时工作日的秘密?)
For many men, the end of the workday is a time to kick back.(对很多男人来说,下班后是放松的时候。)
On a recent weekday she interrupted her workday to take her son to the doctor.(最近一个工作日她忙里偷闲带儿子去看医生。)
On the streets of Athens Thursday, normal workday activity was muted.(周四在雅典街头,正常的工作日活动没有了。)
Still, there have been times when her workday was upended by a sick child.(尽管如此,有时她的工作日还是会因为孩子生病而被弄得一团乱。)
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