英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-17 20:42:38



英 [ri:θ]

美 [riθ]


名词复数: wreaths

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  • 圈,一圈,圈状物,烟圈
  • 环状物,环
  • 花圈(用于祭奠)
  • 花环(传统上圣诞节时挂在门上)
  • 花冠(旧时用作荣誉的象征)
  • 缭绕
  • 螺旋形物
  • 【天】南冕座
  • 扭弯
  • [C] 花圈 an arrangement of flowers or leaves ,especially in a circle,such as one given at a funeral
  • [C] 花冠,花环 a circle of leaves or flowers placed on the head or round the neck of sb to honour them


1. flower arrangement consisting of a circular band of foliage or flowers for ornamental purposes

Synonym: garlandcoronalchapletlei

1. (用于祭奠的)花圈
A wreath is an arrangement of flowers and leaves, usually in the shape of a circle, which you put on a grave or by a statue to show that you remember a person who has died or people who have died.

e.g. The coffin lying before the altar was bare, except for a single wreath of white roses...
e.g. The British, Australian and Turkish Prime Ministers laid wreaths at the war memorial.

2. (头上戴的)花环,花冠
A wreath is a circle of leaves or flowers which someone wears around their head.

3. (某些人圣诞节时挂在家门上的)花环
A wreath is a circle of leaves which some people hang on the front door of their house at Christmas.

1. 花圈:遗像旁侧竖立着多个花圈(wreath),上披挽联(elegiac couplet). 更多挽联则用一根钢丝上(steel wire)串挂起来. 屋内烟雾缭绕,刺(pungent)得眼睛发疼(sore). 之后便是殡仪馆(funeral house). 吊唁者(mourner)于门口签到(sign in),

2. 花环:他们利用神话的装饰物,六角形、圆形、八角形和菱形造形 (lozeng-shaped )之嵌板、花环(wreath)、扇形奖章(fan medallion)、悬饰(draped)或带图饰. 人头狮身并带翅膀像(sphinx)、半狮半鹫像(griffin)、海马(sea horse)、山羊(goat)、司农牧之神(faun)、公羊头(ram's head)、女像柱(caryatid)和其它无数的罗马、庞贝和Etr


3. 花圈、花冠、圈状物卿:olive 橄榄树.橄榄叶;橄榄枝;橄榄色 | wreath 花圈、花冠、圈状物卿 | replace 取代替换.代替

4. 花环;圈状物;螺旋形物:WRDC 水资源开发中心 | wreath 花环;圈状物;螺旋形物 | wreathe 缠绕

  • 常用例句

  • 经典引文

  • He has bought a big funeral wreath for his dead grandfather.
  • He was wearing a Roman kilt and laurel wreath.
  • He was bareheaded save for the laurel wreath.

    出自:A. Duggan
  • A young girl..laid..in a casket covered with wreaths of hothouse flowers.

    出自:B. Malamud
A Christmas wreath exclaiming PEACE ON EARTH hangs on the restaurant door.(一个写着“世界和平”的圣诞花环悬挂在饭店的门上。)
You can use them through Christmas and tuck the berries into whatever wreath you already have on your door.(你可以整个圣诞节都用它们,把浆果塞到你已经挂在门上的花环里。)
Use craft glue to attach the autumn leaves to the wreath.(用胶水把秋叶粘在花环上。)
Julius Caesar wore a laurel wreath because he was going bald.(凯撒大帝戴一顶月桂花冠是因为他快要秃顶了。)
Again, you can use them through Christmas and tuck the berries into whatever wreath you already have on your door.(同样的,你可以用它们来作为圣诞节的装饰品,也可以把浆果用在你挂在门上的花环的装扮上。)
Then how about a dried flower arrangement or wreath that will remind her all year round how much you love her.(或者编织成一个花环,这样一整年母亲都会记得你是多么地爱她。)
Streamers of cloud wreath the nearby mesa-tops, and partially obscure the floating mountains nearby.(飘带状的云环绕着附近的平顶山令这些漂浮的山群若隐若现。)
Hang the wreath on your wall or the front door.(把花环挂在你的墙上或者前门上。)
Hang the wreath on your wall or front door.(把这样的花环挂在你的墙上或者前门上。)
The Queen laid a wreath at the war memorial.(女王向阵亡将士纪念碑献了花圈。)
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