英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-25 00:35:34


英 [rɔ:θ]

美 [rɔ:θ]


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1. vehemently incensed and condemnatory

e.g. they trembled before the wrathful queen
but wroth as he was, a short struggle ended in reconciliation

Synonym: wrathfulwrothful

1. wroth

1. 愤怒的:wrote 书写 | wroth 愤怒的 | wrought iron 铸铁

2. 激怒的,非常愤怒的:yank 拽;拔;猛拔 | wroth 激怒的,非常愤怒的 | wrest 夺取

3. 激怒的/狂暴的/勃然大怒:wrote /写信/ | wroth /激怒的/狂暴的/勃然大怒/ | wrought /作成的/加工的/精制的/锻链的/锻/

  • 经典引文

  • Some..Waxed wroth and with foul claws..On Bard and Hero clamorously fell.

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

For the iniquity of his covetousness was I wroth, and smote him: I hid me, and was wroth, and he went on frowardly in the way of his heart.(因他贪婪的罪孽,我就发怒击打他。我向他掩面发怒,他却仍然随心背道。)
But the queen Vashti refused to come at the king's commandment by his chamberlains: therefore was the king very wroth, and his anger burned in him.(王后瓦实提却不肯遵太监所传的王命而来,所以王甚发怒,心如火烧。)
My desire is but for a little thing, 'said the young Fisherman,' yet hath the Priest been wroth with me, and driven me forth.(“我的愿望微乎其微。”年轻的渔夫说道:“然牧师却盛怒于我,将我逐出。”)
But when the king heard thereof, he was wroth: and he sent forth his armies, and destroyed those murderers, and burned up their city.(王就大怒,发兵除灭那些凶手,烧毁他们的城。)
One wrong word, an ill-considered look, an ill-timed laugh, any of them could provoke his lordship's wroth and cost a man a strip of skin.(说错一个词,一个不妥的眼神,或者一次不合时宜的笑声,任何人都会惹得大人狂怒不已而代价便是那个不知趣的家伙的皮了。)
My father never 'bellowed like the Greatjon, but he was no less dangerous in his' wroth.(我父亲从来不像大琼恩那样大喊大叫,但他发起怒来跟大琼恩一样危险。)
He soon had her calling the ship the Stinky Steward, though she got somewhat wroth with him whenever he called Pretty Bacon.(他很快让她叫这艘船“恶臭的管家”,而当他叫“美丽的培根”时她称呼他更糟糕的名字。)
She died in poverty in Paris after using what wealth and influence she had in saving the children of Loyalists from the wroth of Cornwall.(为了从盛怒的康华里候爵手中救出效忠派的后代,她耗尽了自己的财富和权势,最后贫困交加死在巴黎。)
Pharaoh was wroth with his servants, and put me in ward in the captain of the guard's house, both me and the chief baker.(从前法老恼怒臣仆,把我和膳长下在护卫长府布的监里。)
When God heard this, he was wroth, and greatly abhorred Israel.(神听见,就发怒,极其憎恶以色列人。)
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