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更新时间:2025-03-10 22:38:38
  • 英英释义

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1. a fear of foreigners or strangers

1. 仇外情绪,惧外情绪(对外国人的强烈厌恶或惧怕)
Xenophobia is strong and unreasonable dislike or fear of people from other countries.



1. 仇外:...[国家认同]],受[[文化保守主义]](cultural conservatism)及[[仇外]](xenophobia)情绪所影响,排除外来作用. ...及经济危机与[[恶性通货膨胀]](hyperinflation),产生极度仇外心理、[[复仇主义]](revanchism,一种外交政策,主要动机

2. 仇外情绪:此外,假如俄罗斯的移民政策还受到了仇外情绪(xenophobia)的影响(而且大约每周发生一次种族主义分子谋杀事件),那么克里姆林宫就面临着又一个不容忽视的压力并为之感到心情矛盾.

3. xenophobia

3. 陌生恐怖症:xenophilia 喜新异物 | xenophobia 陌生恐怖症 | xenophonia 音调变异

4. xenophobia是什么意思

4. 陌生恐怖:意志力 ; will power | 陌生恐怖 ; xenophobia | 陌苯丙胺 ; X-mas trees

  • 经典引文

  • A haven for..a fierce traditionalism, and a concomitant xenophobia.

    出自:F. Fitzgerald
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Xenophobia stoked by years of state propaganda has been swept aside by gratitude for NATO intervention.(国家宣传机器煽动多年的排外情绪也因为对北约仗义出手的感激而烟消云散。)
In the affairs of man, wounded pride and xenophobia often trump economic reason.(在跟人有关的事务中,受伤的自尊和仇视心理往往胜过经济原因。)
Despite being chosen as the 2016 Word of the Year, xenophobia is not to be celebrated.(尽管被选为2016年年度词汇,该词并不值得被庆祝纪念。)
The Johannesburg conference is intended to discuss football's role in fighting racism and xenophobia.(约翰内斯堡会议将讨论足球在抵制种族偏见和对外国人的(恐惧)憎恶中的角色。)
Tories hate higher taxes, Lib Dems anything that smacks of xenophobia.(保守党憎恨增加税收,自民党憎恶任何与排外思想相关的事。)
Basically xenophobia is caused by the [competition] for jobs and space, particularly in poor areas.(排外的基本成因是工作岗位和空间的竞争,特别在贫穷地区更是如此。)
But many other countries show signs of xenophobia.(但一些国家却有仇外的心理。)
They come because, despite threats of xenophobia and a 25 percent unemployment rate, opportunities are still more bountiful than at home.(尽管南非存在强烈的仇外,失业率达到25%,但是这个仍然比在自己国家机会多的多。)
And he insists there is no xenophobia.(他坚称没有排外存在。)
But they are selected poorly and with the specific intent of creating panic, fostering resentment and stoking xenophobia.(但是他们的选择非常差劲地带有一些特定意图,包括制造恐慌,孕育怨恨和煽动排外情绪。)
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