英语单词分类 轻松记单词

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名词: yapper 过去式: yapped 过去分词: yapped 现在分词: yapping 第三人称单数: yaps

  • 英英释义

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1. informal terms for the mouth

Synonym: trapcakeholeholemawgob


1. bark in a high-pitched tone

e.g. the puppies yelped

Synonym: yelpyip

1. (小狗)狂吠,汪汪乱叫
If a small dog yaps, it makes short loud sounds in an excited way.

e.g. The little dog yapped frantically.
e.g. ...two yapping cairn terriers.

2. 哇啦哇啦地说个不停;瞎扯
If you say that someone yaps, you mean that they talk continuously in an annoying way.

e.g. The guy just loves to yap, and will do so at length...
e.g. She keeps yapping at me about Joe.

1. 雅浦:OSRAE) 雅浦(YAP)整箱、拼箱、散货-低价货运联系EMail: headoffice@aeolus-sh.com手机/电话: 021-65854025 发布时间: 2007-03-16 13:22:15请帮我们评判这条信息 分类错误违禁信息 垃圾信息 提示1.要求先付定金、部分货款或异地汇款、银行转帐的非本地交易常常有问题2.卖家有手机的,

2. 雅浦岛:南马都尔 (Nan Madol) 遗迹所在的澎贝岛 (Pohnpei,旧名波纳佩岛[Ponape]),为太平洋上的小岛,位於关岛东南方大约1500里处;与雅浦岛 (Yap)、科斯拉耶岛 (Kosrae)、春克岛 (Chuuk)等岛屿,同属密克罗尼西亚联邦.

3. yap

3. 狂吠:Yaounde 雅温德 | yap 狂吠 | Yapese 雅浦人

4. yap在线翻译

4. 雅浦群岛:Western Samoa 西萨摩亚 3 | Yap 雅浦群岛 3 | Yemen,Repulic of 也门共和国 5

  • 经典引文

  • Snatches of loud music..a strident yap of laughter.

    出自:C. Fremlin
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

"We have either too much water or too little, " explains Yap Kheng Guan, a director of Singapore's PUB.(新加坡公用事业局(PUB)负责人叶庆冠(YapKhengGuan)解释说,“我们的水要么太多,要么太少。”)
On the other end, Yap touches Shaq, foul!(但在另一端,他触了沙克,犯规!)
On the next afternoon, the people of Yap Yap, both rich and poor, were called into the palace courtyard to decide an important matter.(第二天下午,汪汪国的国民不分贫富,都被召集到大殿上,来决定一件大事。)
Angie: Yap, but still, I don't want this wallpaper. And every time I open a program, all I see is a fool DoRaAMo!(是丫,但话说回来,我不想要这种桌面,每次我开启程序,就看到这个呆瓜小叮当!)
"Don't yap around all day," said the mother.(“不要成天闲聊,”母亲说。)
The puppy gave a yap.(小狗叫了一声。)
It contains precious YAP which can help gently exfoliate stratum corneum and accelerate the removal of melanin, leaving your skin velvety soft, white and silky smooth.(蕴含珍稀纵横排黑肽,可温和去除老化角质,纵向加速排除停滞在皮肤中的黑素,让肌肤若天鹅绒般细白丝滑。)
Immunohistochemical analysis of paraffin-embedded human breast carcinoma, using Phospho-YAP (Ser127) Antibody in the presence of control peptide (left) or antigen specific peptide (right).(在对照多肽(左)和抗原特异性多肽(右)存在的条件下使用Phospho-YAP(Ser127)对石蜡包埋的人乳腺癌进行免疫组化分析。)
“When you watch them coming on the red carpet, you see the same faces, the same mega-folks of Hollywood, yap yap yap, ” he said while promoting a film.(“当你看到他们从红地毯上走来,你看到的面孔是一样的,一样的Hollywood的巨星们,呱呱讲个不休,”他曾在促销一部影片时说道。)
Oh, right. that ' s why she ' s talking to linda tripp. she ' s talking to everybody. she ' s part of that whole dopey culture. yap, yap, yap.(好。这是她为什么和林塔?特丽普说。她和每个人都说。她就是那种流言文化的一分子。)
yap是什么意思 yap在线翻译 yap什么意思 yap的意思 yap的翻译 yap的解释 yap的发音 yap的同义词