英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 22:39:51



英 [ˈjəʊmən]

美 [ˈjoʊmən]





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  • 【史】自由民
  • 侍从
  • 【史】自耕农
  • 小地主
  • 义勇骑兵
  • 【史】侍者
  • 随从
  • 卫士
  • 【海军】做事务工作的军士
  • (海军)文书军士
  • 义勇骑兵队成员
  • 约曼
  • 义勇骑士
  • 坚毅的刚毅的
  • 忠实的
  • 侍者的仆人的
  • 行政司法长官助理的
  • 义勇骑士的
  • 文书军士的



1. in former times was free and cultivated his own land

2. officer in the (ceremonial) bodyguard of the British monarch

Synonym: yeoman of the guardbeefeater

1. (旧时的)自耕农,自由民
In former times, a yeoman was a man who was free and not a servant, and who owned and worked on his own land.

1. 约曼:进入大学的学生大多来自贵族阶层或新兴的乡绅(Gentry)、约曼(Yeoman)上层及富有的城市市民家庭. 在当时牛津大学四个学院的入学考试注册中,33%的学生出身于贵族绅士家庭,22%的学生是教士的儿子,16%的学生是富裕商人的儿子,

2. 约曼牌手表:Yema 野马牌手表 | Yeoman 约曼牌手表 | yerbadetajo herba ecliptae 旱莲草

3. 自耕农,乡下人:556. xenophobe: 惧外者,排外者. | 557. yeoman: 自耕农,乡下人. | 558. yokel: 乡巴佬.

We are talking about stout yeoman with a heart of oak, Ickle Stevie Gerrard, the master of the trailing leg.(我们所说的这个人长的还很结实,有着橡木般的狠心肠,这个人就是杰拉德!假摔的大师!)
This man was a yeoman all his life.(这个人当了一辈子的侍从。)
The Linux Foundation, in partnership with Yeoman Technology Group, recently conducted a survey of 1, 948 Linux users.(Linux基金会与约曼科技集团合作,最近对1948个用户进行了一番调查。)
The yeoman warders manage it now.(如今是御用侍从卫士在管理。)
It temporarily soothes the survival crisis of the peasants, and brings up prevalent yeoman farming economy.(它暂时缓解了农民的生存危机,造就了普遍的小自耕农经济。)
A yeoman of the British monarch's royalguard.(英国皇家卫队的卫士。)
More than 200 years after Thomas Jefferson exalted the yeoman farmer, barns remain symbols of hard work, community and reverence for the land.(已经200多年了,自从托马斯·杰弗逊赞颂自耕农民依赖,谷仓一直是努力工作、社区和尊敬土地的象征。)
Thee yeoman could never own and work on their land after the movement.(那场运动后,自耕农再也不能拥有并在他们自己的土地上耕耘了。翐。)
Her uncle spend two years on a warship as a yeoman.(她舅舅在军舰上当了两年文书军士。)
The yeoman could never own and work on their land after the movement.(那场运动后,自耕农再也不能拥有并在他们自己的土地上耕耘了。)
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