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更新时间:2025-03-10 22:40:12



英 ['jəʊgɜ:t]

美 ['joʊgət]


异体字: yoghourt

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  • 酸乳酪
  • 酸奶
  • 酸乳饼
  • 酸奶酪
  • 酸乳


1. a custard-like food made from curdled milk

Synonym: yogurtyoghourt

1. -> see yogurt

1. yoghurt

1. 酸乳酪:Mutton Korma 是将放入酸乳酪(Yoghurt)的肉用调料或蔬菜煮熟的料理,Do Piazza是用很多洋葱做的肉类料理,Mutton Masala是用乳汁做的别喱料理,Keema是用机器切成肉片做的咖喱.

2. 優格:新加坡政府2004年进行的全国营养调查显示,有47%的新加坡人每周至少喝两次汽水、果汁、优格(Yoghurt)等含糖分的饮料,年龄介於18到29岁者,喝含糖饮料的次数更多,每周至少4次.

I'm investigating how yoghurt is made, so I need to interview someone at a dairy.(我正在酸奶是怎样形成的,所以我需要采访牛奶厂的工作人员。)
In would come vegetables and pulses, together with yoghurt.(该多吃的是蔬菜和豆类,另外加上酸奶。)
A kerosene lamp was lit and we Shared a dinner of eggs, tomato, yoghurt and dry, dark bread.(点亮一盏煤油灯,我们坐在一起吃晚饭,有鸡蛋、西红柿、酸乳酪,还有又干又黑的面包。)
I am investigating how yoghurt is made.(我正在调查酸奶是怎样制成的。)
Many people avoid milk and yoghurt, because these products contain sugar.(许多人不喝牛奶和酸奶,因为这些奶制品含糖。)
I recalled someone talking about Cocoberry, a frozen yoghurt chain.(我突然记得有人提到过Cocoberry,一家冰冻酸奶连锁店。)
They will eat mostly rice and sauces made from yoghurt and tamarind, spiced with peppers.(他们主要吃米饭和由酸乳酪和罗望子果加胡椒制成的调味汁。)
Each day the local market consumes between three and six tonnes of its yoghurt.(当地市场每天消耗三至六吨该公司生产的酸乳酪。)
When the yoghurt is cold, add some fruit.(酸奶变凉后,加了一些水果。)
Imagine a tub of frozen yoghurt, not a single line or wrinkle.(想象一下一桶没有一条线或皱纹的冻酸奶吧。)
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