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更新时间:2024-06-03 13:35:34
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1. A letter published on the market's website on Aug 5 said all business had been legal and all taxes had been paid.

2. Serie A president Maurizio Beretta responded by saying that the contract could be signed at the next league assembly Aug 19.

3. Also on Aug 13 the ministry released regulations outlining procedures to be taken by NGO regulation authorities when investigating possible misconduct by NGOs.

4. The Wireless Power Consortium finally solved the problem by creating a standard called " Qi ", which was adopted by China on Aug 31.

5. A weekend concert was held by the Tuofeng Music Club at Yuhe Square in the old town of Lijiang on the evening of Aug 11.

6. Patrons can make it an occasion to remember and impress loved ones on Aug 23, which is Chinese Valentine's Day according to the lunar calendar.

7. CANBERRA - Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard suffered twin setbacks on Monday after a poll showed her lead slashed ahead of an Aug 21 election.

8. The country currently has 9 gigawatts of nuclear capacity in operation, the China Electricity Council said on Aug 14.

9. Kahane landed in the carrier's Greater China office in Beijing on Aug 16.

10. China will expand its property tax policy to Central China's Hunan and Hubei provinces, the Land and Resources Daily said on Aug 20.

1. On the basis of the above-mentioned condition, the std No.4 cylinder crank pin and bearing were burnt on Dec. 16, probably due to their non-parallelism not being measured when being repaired on Aug. 6, in Pusan, Korea.
根据上述情况,导致该轮主机右 No.4 缸曲柄肖及轴承于某年 12 月 16 日被烧坏有可能是在某年 8 月 6 日在朝鲜釜山进行修理时,没有对不平行度进行测量所致。

2. Aug.什么意思

2. Houyi Chenxin Logistics Co. is experienced automotive logistics company, which was set up on Aug., 2006. We have experienced the big change of import vehicle customs formalities in China, which made Houyi a successful improvement of our service.

3. The effects of shading and summer pinching 1, June-19, Aug. on winter flower production (Oct-Mar. in two-year-old of Christian Dior, Red Success, Landora and Samantha plants were evaluated.
本试验以二年生玫瑰品种,Christian Dior,Red Success,Landora,及Samantha为材料,比较遮荫与夏季摘蕾对冬季切花产量之影响。

4. Pittsburgh Post Gazette, PA- Aug 10, 2006… As he described the fire-eating fish he was going to paint, others put three or more fish imprints onto their shirts, adding their nicknames or words.
匹兹堡邮宪坝- 2006年8月10日……他形容火吃鱼,他去画画,别人把三个或三个以上imprints在鱼身上的衣服,加入他们的绰号或说话。

5. In the south-west of Stalingrad, the German army tanks have also been implemented in the fourth spot, but the strong resistance of the Soviet Union, were forced into defense for the time being, to Aug. 17, was also in the outer layer of defense to stop enceinte In the southern region.

6. Aug.在线翻译

6. Critics of the LHC say the high-energy experiment might create a mini black hole that could expand to dangerous, Earth-eating proportions. On Aug.
LHC 的批评者说,高能实验可能会创造出一个微型黑洞,这个黑洞会膨胀到吞没地球的危险程度。

7. Aug.在线翻译

7. TOKYO, Japan - Polar bears Yukio and Reiko play with a piece of icicle at Tokyo's Ueno Zoological Gardens as the metropolis swelters in a hot summer heat on Aug.
日本东京 Ueno 动物园最近为帮助北极熊度过酷暑,专门为动物们提供了冰块。图为在玩弄冰块的北极熊。

8. I just spent 1100 to change new all seasons tires at the end of Aug.

9. Seattle Times - Aug. 8 at the Kennydale Memorial Hall, 2424 NE 27th St. in Renton.
西雅图时报-8月8日在K ennydale纪念馆,2 424年东北2 7日在伦顿街。

10. Methods Forty-three cases of thoracolumbar vertebral fracture patients were treated from Apr.1999to Aug.2003.Main injury causes:fall from the high in34cases, traffic accident in6cases and injured by heavy objects in3cas-es. Wounded corpora vertebrae:T 91case, T 101case, T 112cases, T 1213cases, L 115cases, L 25cases, L 34cases, T 11 and L 11case, T 12 and L 11case.
回顾分析我科1999年4月~2003年8月收治的43例胸腰椎体骨折手术患者临床资料,其中高处坠落伤34例,车祸伤6例,砸伤3例;损伤椎体:T 9 1例,T 10 1例,T 11 2例,T 12 13例,L 1 15例,L 2 5例,L 3 4例,T 11、L 1 双椎体1例,T 12、L 1 双椎体1例。

11. Aug.是什么意思

11. Aug 6. The margin of error is 3.2 percentage points.

12. To Aug. 31, 2010. It is very spacious and sunny with three windows.

13. From Aug.2003 to Oct.2007 worked in Shenzhen Suntak Multiplayer Pcb Co., Ltd.

14. From Apr to Oct the Maximum principal stress in the shaft is relatively concentrated, maintained above -4.0MPa, which is near the bottom aquifer and the interface with the mantlerock and the bedrock. It is above -7.0 MPa from Jun to Aug.

15. Aug.的近义词

15. BeiJin Shangri-La restaurant opened up on 22Aug 1987, the first restaurant which was invested to build in Chinese Mainland by Shangri-La groggery group.

16. Theme park here, a visit by city officials on Aug. 3 raised hopes that a long-anticipated windfall for using their land was finally in sight.

17. Fidel Castro Ruz was born in Cuba on 13th Aug.1926.He graduated from Havana University in 1950 and have the law Ph. D.
套装限量发行3000套菲德尔·卡斯特罗·鲁斯 1926年8月13日出生于古巴东方省比兰镇。

18. He died in Addis Ababa on Aug.

19. RUPERT MURDOCH, News Corp. owner, on the outcry over his purchase of the Wall Street Journal Aug.

20. Effective from Aug. 18, 2008, next Monday, all waitress will change their rice scoop into fixed size as 6 ounce (more than 3两 per scoop).

The Olympics’ opening ceremony is on Friday of next week, Aug. 8.(而下周五(8月8日)奥运会的开幕式却近在咫尺。)
The altimetry data were matched against stereo images taken on Aug. 12.(高度数据与在8月12日采集的立体图像进行了对比。)
Was the bombing, along with the one Aug. 9 on Nagasaki, really necessary?(广岛核爆以及8月9日的长崎核爆真的有必要吗?)
W: We propose to deliver 50% in June and the balance in Aug.(W:我们提议在六月发50%的货,其余的于八月份发出。)
Here, a tourist looks at Caminito Street from a window on Aug. 18.(这是8月18日一名游客在从窗口向外张望卡米尼托的街景。)
By early Aug. 22, the storm had strengthened to a Category 1 hurricane.(8月22日的早些时候,风暴加强成为1级飓风。)
Above, people stand next to traffic lights on the Bund area on Aug. 10.(这是8月10日站在外滩地区靠近交通灯的过街天桥上的市民。)
We propose to deliver 50% in June and the balance in Aug.(我们计划六月份交货50%,其余的在八月份交货。)
His last international game was a 2-0 win over Azerbaijan on Aug. 12.(他上次为国家队出场是8月12日2:0胜阿塞拜疆。)
Image taken by Landsat 7 on Aug. 8, 1999.(1999年8月8日由陆地卫星7号拍摄。)
Aug.是什么意思 Aug.在线翻译 Aug.什么意思 Aug.的意思 Aug.的翻译 Aug.的解释 Aug.的发音 Aug.的同义词