英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 15:20:09


英 [kəʊ]

美 [koʊ]

abbr.Company 公司

  • 词典解释

1. (用于公司名称中)
Co. is used as an abbreviation for (缩略 =) company when it is part of the name of an organization.

e.g. ...the Blue Star Amusement Co.

2. (用于郡名之前,尤指爱尔兰的郡)
Co. is used as a written abbreviation for(书面缩略 =)county before the names of some counties, especially in Ireland.

e.g. ...Co. Waterford.

3. (用于人名之后)及其一伙,以及其他成员
You use and co. after someone's name to mean the group of people associated with that person.


e.g. Wayne Hussey and co. will be playing two live sets each evening.

Mr. Wallace tries to co-opt rather than defeat his critics.(华乐丝先生试着团结而非打击批评他的人。)
His ruthless ambition and drive for self-promotion have not made him popular among his co-workers.(他不择手段的野心和自抬身价的驱动未能使他在同事间受欢迎。)
He's been authorised to co-opt anyone he wants to join him.(他被授权指派他想要的任何人来帮助他。)
My co-pilot suddenly grabbed the wheel.(我的副驾驶突然抢过了方向盘。)
He co-opted many nationalist slogans and cultivated a populist image.(他借鉴了很多民族主义的口号,塑造了个平民化的形象。)
Oliver Townsend and co-driver Kirk Lee eventually emerged as victors after five different cars had led the event.(5辆车相继领先,最终奥利佛·汤森和副驾驶员柯克·李成为胜利者。)
Linda, co-founder of Scores, a leading digital analytic company, established her organization on a simple premise.(领先的斯科尔数字分析公司的联合创始人琳达,在简易的前提下建立了自己的组织。)
This is D-day, time for the Walt Disney Co. shareholders' meeting.(今天是迪士尼公司股东会议关键的第一天。)
Her best friend, my co-worker came.(她最好的朋友,也就是我的同事来了。)
He co-produced the album with Bowie.(他和宝仪共同制作了这张唱片。)
Co.是什么意思 Co.在线翻译 Co.什么意思 Co.的意思 Co.的翻译 Co.的解释 Co.的发音 Co.的同义词