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更新时间:2024-06-17 15:31:25



十二月; [医] 倾泻,倾析

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Soon after, people began to experiment with more controversial, human-made additives - first, the anti-malarial medication chloroquine, and later, DEC.(很快,人们开始尝试更多有争议的人工合成物质,首先是防治疟疾的氯喹,然后是DEC。)
More than 100 countries will be gathered in Copenhagen on Dec. 7 through Dec. 18, in the hope of drafting a new agreement to tackle global warming since 2012.(100多个国家将在12月7日至18日聚会哥本哈根,希望能起草一项新的协议,应对2012年后的全球变暖问题。)
DEC. 9, 2008
KANDAHAR PROVINCE Incident Report: Predator attack.(坎大哈省2008.12.9事故报告:捕食者的袭击。)
Over the decades, many have prophesied that the world will end when the ancient calendar ceases on Dec. 21, 2012.(几十年来,许多人预言当古代历法于2012年12月21日结束的时候世界也将走向终点。)
Oh, and I’m doing a marathon in Honolulu on Dec. 14!(哦,我在12月14号要去火奴鲁鲁参加马拉松。)
The Shenzhen International Marathon 2018 is scheduled for Dec.(2018年深圳国际马拉松赛将于12月举行。)
The results were published Dec. 9 in the journal Neuron.(研究结果发表于12月9号的《神经元》杂志。)
The world will not end on Dec. 21, 2012 despite what the Mayan calendar shows us.(世界将不会像玛雅历法所显示的那样在2012年12月21日毁灭。)
How will the iPad sell in Dec. quarter? Oppenheimer: Expect new records for both iPad and iPhone in Dec. quarter.(下个季度iPad的销售情况预测:奥本海默预计下个季度,iPad与iPhone都将创历史记录。)
Dec.是什么意思 Dec.在线翻译 Dec.什么意思 Dec.的意思 Dec.的翻译 Dec.的解释 Dec.的发音 Dec.的同义词