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更新时间:2024-06-03 20:24:09



abbr.November十一月; novelist小说家

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The deadline for applying to his favorite college was Nov.1, and by early October he had yet to fill out the application.(申请他最喜欢的大学截止日期是11月1日,到十月初他还没有填好申请表。)
Walter Leland Cronkite Jr. was born Nov. 4, 1916, in St. Joseph, Mo.(1916年11月4日沃尔特·克朗凯特出生于密苏里州圣约瑟夫市(St.JosephMo.)。)
He is scheduled to visit Baghdad, Iraq, on Nov. 1.(他还计划在11月1日访问伊拉克的巴格达。)
His first lecture was delivered on Nov. 4, 1915.(他的第一次演讲是在1915年11月4日。)
Death toll from Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines rose to 3,637, after the strongest storm this year destroyed the central part of the country on Nov. 8, 2013.(2013年11月8日,今年最强的台风“海燕”袭击了菲律宾中部地区,造成3637人死亡。)
Nokia has already agreed to place a server in India by Nov. 5.(诺基亚已经同意在11月5号在印度放置一台服务器。)
"The Genius Behind Steve," by Adam Lashinsky, Fortune, Nov. 10, 2008.(“继steve之后的一名天才”,AdamLashinsky说,《财富》,2008.11.10。)
The Nov. 30 currency devaluation upended them.(十一月三十日的货币贬值总算终结了黑市。)
The recent trend toward early decision and early action among selective colleges and universities has pushed the traditional deadline of January up to Nov.(最近,一些名牌学院和大学提前决定并行动的趋势将传统的截止日期从1月提前到了11月。)
On Nov. 12, East Berliners continued to stream into the West.(11月12日,东柏林人继续涌入西方。)
Nov.是什么意思 Nov.在线翻译 Nov.什么意思 Nov.的意思 Nov.的翻译 Nov.的解释 Nov.的发音 Nov.的同义词