英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 20:51:49



  • 网络解释


1. 盂兰盆节:如果该党8月赢得选举,则可能容许日圆走高;因其认为日圆走强可能最终令疲软经济受益. 另外纽约银行(Bank of New York Mellon)分析师Neil Mellor称,盂兰盆节(Obon)假期前,获利回吐和日圆需求或将发挥一定影响.


2. (日本)盂兰盆节:ancestor 祖先;祖宗 | Obon (日本)盂兰盆节 | grave 坟墓;墓地

3. 盂兰盆节(日本):ancestor: 祖先 | Obon: 盂兰盆节(日本) | grave: 坟墓;墓地

4. Obon的翻译

4. 日本孟兰盆节:ancestor祖先 | obon日本孟兰盆节 | grave坟墓

  • 双语例句

1. Such misery is common during the Buddhist festival of Obon, but it is worse this year.

2. In Japan the festival is called Obon, when people should go to c

3. Obon的意思

3. For the Japanese festival Obon, people should go to clean graves and light incense in memory of their ancestors.

4. In Japan, the festival is called Obon, when people should go to clean the graves and light incense in memory of their ancestors.
a。when 用作关系副词,引导定语从句修饰时间名词所作的先行词,when 在定语从句中作时间状语。

5. Given the observance on August 9th of memorial ceremonies for victims of the Nagasaki atomic bomb during the second world war, followed by the Obon holiday period in mid-August, it looks increasingly likely that the election will be held in late August or early September.

6. Obon

6. Whether it's getting comfy with a Gabriel Garcia Marquez novel, dancing at a Japanese Obon festival or scarfing down a hot dog at Coney Island, embrace your culture.
无论是看马奎斯小说而感到浑身自在,还是在日本奥冯节日上翩翩起舞,还是在Coney Island大嚼一块热狗:拥抱你的文化。

7. Obon在线翻译

7. For the Japanese festival Obon, people should go to clean graves and light incense in menmory of their ancestors.

8. Obon

8. Illuminated by the Albuquerque Bridge, Japanese volunteers place candle lit lanterns into the Sasebo River during the Obon festival.

We were warned that it might not be the spiritual journey it once was and that we would be sharing it with many others – particularly during the Obon holiday period.(我们被告知,登山也许不像曾经的那样是一次精神旅程了,还有许多其他人会和我们一起登山,特别是在盂兰盆节期间。)
Such misery is common during the Buddhist festival of Obon, but it is worse this year.(在佛教传统节日盂兰盆期间这种令人痛苦的事情是正常的,但是今年的情况更糟糕。)
Notice the kanji character for "big" on the hillside in the above photo. Reckon they would light it up during Obon or some other festival.(看到上图山的一边刻了很大的“大”这个汉字吗?我们猜想在盂兰盆会或其他的日本传统节日中,可能会起火点燃这个部分吧?)
The 3rd Sunday of the month, Year's End and New Year holiday period, and Obon period.(每月第3个星期日、年末年初及盂兰盆节休假。)
Obon是什么意思 Obon在线翻译 Obon什么意思 Obon的意思 Obon的翻译 Obon的解释 Obon的发音 Obon的同义词