英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-06-03 12:53:10



英 [əˈkɒst]

美 [əˈkɔ:st]


过去式: accosted 过去分词: accosted 现在分词: accosting 第三人称单数: accosts

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1. approach with an offer of sexual favors

e.g. he was solicited by a prostitute
The young man was caught soliciting in the park

Synonym: hooksolicit

2. speak to someone

Synonym: addresscome up to

1. (唐突地或带有威胁性地)走近跟…攀谈,上前与…搭讪
If someone accosts another person, especially a stranger, they stop them or go up to them and speak to them in a way that seems rude or threatening.

e.g. A man had accosted me in the street.

1. 招呼,搭话:accelerate 加快,加速 | accost 招呼,搭话 | account 叙述,说明

2. 引诱:accordionist 手风琴师 | accost 引诱 | accostable 易接近的

3. accost是什么意思

3. 勾引,搭讪:costume 昂贵服装的总称 | accost 勾引,搭讪 | delicate 精美的,灵巧的,淡味的,精细的

4. accost的意思

4. 勾 搭:调 戏 Philander | 勾 搭 Accost | 勾 上 Get-in

Security took their time coming onto the court to aid Federer but when they did, they managed to accost the invader, who by that time had frantically run across the court and leapt the net.(保安不慌不忙的来到球场,在设法与这名闯入者交涉之际,这名闯入者已经疯狂越过球网,向球场对面冲去。)
The child was told how to accost the servants and the governess.(孩子被告知如何招呼仆人和家庭教师。)
I would not accost him yet.(但时机未到,我还不想招呼他呢。)
Don't accost the user with too many upfront choices in the first place.(首先不要在一开始就引诱用户做过多的选项。)
She wandered on from street to street, not daring to accost any of the busy people.(她从一条街走到一条街,不敢招呼任何一个忙碌的人。)
The fear of that fate would accost her husband, to the point of rendering him abstinent of the acclivity his potential had held up for him once.(对那种宿命的恐惧缠绕在她丈夫心头,直至他的潜力因此再度被压抑而无法上升。)
After report person arrives, should seasonable accost its are entered into the door, and make tea is entertained; Cannot commanding, thrusting, place the AIRS of an official.(汇报人到达后,应及时招呼其进门入座,并泡茶招待;不可居高临下,盛气凌人,摆官架子。)
If they were resolute to accost her, she laid her finger on the scarlet letter, and passed on.(如果他们执意要和她搭讪,她就用一个手指按住那红宇,侧身而过。)
She is too shy to dare accost him.(她太害羞了,不敢和他搭话。)
They have been assigned to accost strangers and extract secrets from them.(他们被指派去与生疏人搭讪从并从他们那里套出奥秘。)
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