英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 13:44:04



英 [ˈæməti]

美 [ˈæmɪti]


名词复数: amities

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1. a cordial disposition

Synonym: cordiality

2. a state of friendship and cordiality

1. 和睦;友好
Amity is peaceful, friendly relations between people or countries.


e.g. He wished to live in amity with his neighbour.

1. 友善:安全传统主义讨论安全问题仅仅以友善(amity)和敌意(enmity)模式来说明,这遭到一些建构主义者对其客观主义的、物质现实主义一面的反对:敌意与友善是由行为主体制造的,它并不是物质状况的反映.

2. 友好关系,亲善:8.aftermath: 余波 | 9.amity: 友好关系,亲善 | a treaty of amity: 友好条约

3. 友好, 亲善关系:apostasy 叛教;背叛 | amity 友好, 亲善关系 | enmity 敌意, 憎恨

4. amity

4. 女 友好的:Amelia 女 勤恳的 | Amity 女 友好的 | Astra 女 星辰,神秘的力量

Both sides desired to live in amity.(双方都愿意和睦相处。)
These celebrations harbinger social harmony and amity and preach the lofty Jain motto Live and Let live.(这些仪式预示着社会和谐,和睦,宣扬着崇高的耆那教教训生和放生。)
But sometimes, according to writer Amity Reed, a woman isn't asked permission.(不过,据作家阿米提·瑞德所说,有的时候他们并不征询准妈妈的同意。)
It's the sin of greed that brings the monster, the Jaws, the shark, into Amity.(正是贪婪的罪恶把魔怪大白鲨引到镇上来。)
Make it become the safety, green, environment amity of catalyst.(使之成为安全、绿色、环境友好的催化剂。)
We acceded to the ASEAN Treaty of Amity and Cooperation.(我们加入了东盟友好合作条约(aseanTreatyofAmityandCooperation)。)
Two nations that appreciate and learn from each other should be able to live in amity and progress together.(两个相互欣赏、相互学习的民族,也应该是友好相处、共同进步的民族。)
This system has already tried to run and been approved interface amity and work stability.(本系统已经试运行,前台界面友好,运行稳定。)
I wish to convey to the people of India Pakistan's desire to open a new chapter of amity and understanding between our two countries, "said Khar."(我希望向印度人民转达巴基斯坦的愿望,希望我们两国之间能够揭开友好与理解的新篇章。)
He wished to live in amity with his neighbour.(他渴望与他的邻居和睦相处。)
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