英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 13:44:52



英 [ˈæmpjuteɪt]

美 [ˈæmpjʊˌtet]


名词: amputation 过去式: amputated 过去分词: amputated 现在分词: amputating 第三人称单数: amputates

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1. remove surgically

e.g. amputate limbs

Synonym: cut off

1. 切断;截(肢)
To amputate someone's arm or leg means to cut all or part of it off in an operation because it is diseased or badly damaged.


e.g. To save his life, doctors amputated his legs...
e.g. He had to have one leg amputated above the knee.

He lived only hours after the amputation.

1. 切除:ampullae 壶腹 | amputate 切除 | amputation 切断手术

2. 截肢:12. frown 皺眉 | 30. amputate 截肢 | 30. lawn mower 草地割草機

3. (外科手术)切断、截肢:变得情绪激动became agitated | 癫痫epilepsy | (外科手术)切断、截肢amputate


4. 切除(手臂,腿等):ampullae || 壶腹, 圣水瓶 | amputate || 切除(手臂,腿等) | amputation || 切断手术

The guy I kicked in the balls, did they have to amputate them?(被我踢到头的那个家伙有没有把头切掉?)
They may have to amputate.(他们可能不得不施行截肢手术。)
It may be necessary to amputate his foot.(切除他的脚是必要的。)
Although the doctor tried desperately to save the crushed bones, he finally had to amputate the fingers from both the boy's hands.(医生用尽浑身解数去挽救那已被砸伤的骨头,但他最后不得不把男孩两只手的手指全部截掉。)
Doctor had to amputate his arm to save his life.(医生必须将他的手臂截肢来保全他的生命。)
Doctors later had to amputate one of his legs and he lay in a critical condition for months.(医生随后不得不给他截去一只腿,并且(他)得躺在那里静养数月。)
So we amputate. - Arm and leg?(只能截肢-手臂和腿?。)
This is serious, I am afraid we'll have to amputate his leg.(这事情很严重,我恐怕我们不得不对他进行截肢。)
Sometimes we even amputate a limb.(有时我们甚至要锯肢。)
Don't say, 'Oh my god, I had gangrene and they almost had to amputate my leg.(不要说,‘天啊,我得了坏疽,我的腿几乎要被截掉了’。)
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