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更新时间:2024-06-03 13:13:42



英 [əˈnæθəmə]

美 [əˈnæθəmə]


名词复数: anathemas

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1. a formal ecclesiastical curse accompanied by excommunication

2. a detested person

e.g. he is an anathema to me

Synonym: bete noire

1. 十分讨厌的人(或事物)
If something is anathema to you, you strongly dislike it.

e.g. Violence was anathema to them.

1. anathema是什么意思

1. 革除教门:sacrilege 亵渎神明 | anathema 革除教门 | impiety 不虔诚,不敬神

2. 诅咒:Anthrax 炭疽乐队 | Anathema 诅咒 | Animals 动物

3. anathema的反义词

3. (宗)诅咒,革出教门:angel天使 | anathema(宗)诅咒,革出教门 | anti-Semitism反犹太人的

4. 咒逐:ANATHEMA[咒逐] | BENEDICTION[祈福] | blessed qiraji acolyte staff[神圣其拉侍僧法杖]

  • 经典引文

  • He would wish to be an Anathema from Christ, for the Salvation of his Brethren.

  • Let them go! They are as much anathema to me as I, no doubt, am to them.

    出自:J. Galsworthy
The remaining 90% said kicking the dog was anathema—well, not exactly but you know what I mean.(剩下的90%赞成形容词用法——好吧,虽然不确切但是你知道我想说什么。)
So anathema, that had been good, started to be bad.(所以anathema这个词之前一直是好的,开始变坏了。)
In-depth analysis of a problem is anathema to the press. It stops at sensational formulas.(新闻界对问题的深入分析避之不及,却止于煽情的套话。)
"No," said Anathema, "I mean, yes."(“没有,”安娜丝玛说,“我的意思是说。”)
Anathema was still staring at her bicycle.(安娜丝玛还在盯着她的自行车。)
Their very nature is anathema to our rich culture and heritage.(他们的天性便是憎厌我们富饶的文化与遗产。)
That is anathema to capitalists, for whom individual freedom is more important than the state.(而这一观念对于资本家来说是噩梦,因为他们认为个人自由比国家更为重要。)
Tax rises are anathema.(提高税赋是诅咒。)
And people shall dwell in it, and there shall be no more an anathema: but Jerusalem shall sit secure.(其中再没有毁灭,人们将安居在耶路撒冷。)
Falling house prices are anathema in the eyes of the average Briton, or so it seems.(对普通英国人来说,房价的降低算是一种诅咒,最起码像是诅咒。)
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