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更新时间:2024-05-27 13:57:30


英 [əˈrɔɪəʊ]

美 [əˈrɔɪoʊ]


名词复数: arroyos

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1. a stream or brook

1. 河谷:arrowy 笔直 | arroyo 河谷 | arse 屁股

2. arroyo的翻译

2. 干谷:arrangement 配置 | arroyo 干谷 | arsenate 砷酸盐

3. 干枯的河床,峡谷,小河:adobe 砖坯,土砖 | arroyo 干枯的河床,峡谷,小河 | barrio 地方行政区域

4. 河:arrowroot 葛根粉 | arroyo 河 | arse 滑车底部

Gloria Arroyo and her husband arrived at Manila's international airport just hours after the Supreme Court ruled that she could go abroad.(最高法院裁定其允许出国几小时后,阿约罗和她的丈夫抵达马尼拉国际机场。)
The groundswell forced Arroyo to suspend the contracts in September.(这一风波迫使阿罗约在9月份暂停了这些合同。)
The Aquino camp questions Mr Villar’s poor-boy-made-good story and suggests that he is being covertly backed by Mrs Arroyo.(阿奎诺阵营对于维拉的奋斗史提出了质疑,并暗示阿罗约正在秘密地支持他。)
Arroyo said that the friendly exchanges between the two peoples have enjoyed a history of up to one thousand years and the current bilateral cooperation has reached an unprecedented level.(阿罗约说,菲中人民之间有着上千年的友好交往历史,现在两国合作达到了前所未有的水平。)
David Arroyo, in the pink leader's jersey, is cheered by fans during the individual uphill time trial in the 16th stage May 25.(大卫·阿罗约,在粉红色的领导者的球衣,是由球迷在欢呼,个人在第16期上山时间5月25日的审判。)
Arroyo, who's most famous for the hit La Rebelion, began singing in brothels in the Caribbean city of Cartagena at the age of eight.(乔•阿罗约以榜上有名的单曲LaRebelion在八岁的时候开始在加勒比城市卡塔赫纳开始了歌唱生涯。)
The Colombian salsa star Joe Arroyo has died at the age of 55 after being in hospital for nearly a month with lung and kidney problems.(哥伦比亚萨尔萨舞明星乔•阿罗约(JoeArroyo)因肺和肾脏的问题在医院就医接近一个月之后去世,享年55岁。)
The candidate whom Mrs Arroyo backs publicly, Gibo Teodoro, lies a distant fourth.(吉博·提欧多拉,这位阿罗约公开支持的候选人,目前以较大的劣势暂列第四。)
Yao Ming once killed a man in Orlando just to see him die. The man's name was Carlos Arroyo.(要命在奥兰多的时候,为了看人是怎么死的,就杀了一个。他的名字叫阿罗约。)
Recently, however, the campaign has been all about destroying anti-Arroyo images, rather than building them up.(然而最近,双方都在诋毁对方的声誉,而不是提升自己的形象。)
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