英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-06-17 13:17:54


英 [ˌeɪθɪ'ɪstɪk]

美 [ˌeθiˈɪstɪk]


副词: atheistically 异体字: atheistical

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  • 无神论(者)的指与不相信上帝有关的或支持无神论的
  • 不敬神的


1. rejecting any belief in gods

Synonym: atheisticalunbelieving

2. related to or characterized by or given to atheism

e.g. atheist leanings

Synonym: atheistatheistical

1. 无神论的;无神论者的
Atheistic means connected with or holding the belief that there is no God.

e.g. ...atheistic values.
e.g. ...atheistic philosophers.

1. atheistic的翻译

1. 无神论的:atheism 无神论 | atheistic 无神论的 | atheistic 无神论者的

2. 无神论者:37. associate: 合伙人. | 38. atheistic: 无神论者. | 39. attorney: 律师.

3. 无神论的, 无神论者的:atheist 无神论者 | atheistic 无神论的,无神论者的 | antitheism 无神论

4. 无神论者的:atheism 无神论 | atheistic 无神论的 | atheistic 无神论者的

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

  • atheist
  • Atheists have no such guidance.
Perhaps, then, the categories of 'theistic' and 'atheistic' are not really appropriate here.(也许,“有神”“无神”的分类标准,在这儿并不适用。)
After Shelley's expulsion from Oxford College for expressing his atheistic views, and now estranged from his father. he eloped with sixteen-year old Harriet Westbrook (1795-1816) to Scotland.(由于发表了无神论的观点,雪莱被牛津大学开除,并被父亲逐出家门。)
Determined to crush Roark, Toohey manipulates a spiritually inclined pawn, Hopton Stoddard, to commission an ecumenical temple from the atheistic architect.(图希下定决心要毁灭罗克,在他的操纵下,霍普顿·斯托达德,一个灵魂堕落的走卒,委托我们这位无神论建筑师设计一所基督教堂。)
When I realize that we need to discard atheistic philosophy completely, my mind is so troubled, infinitely troubled.(当我了解到我们要完全地放弃苦行的修道哲学时,我的内心真是矛盾,真是有无限的矛盾。)
And let it not be said-as it continually is said-that under this concept the law would be atheistic individualistic and heartless;(让我们不要再说——尽管我们过去常常这样说——在这种概念下,法律将会是无神论的、人主义的和无情的;)
If a person wants to be atheistic, it's his God-given right to be an atheist.(如果一个人想成为无神论者,那也是上帝给他的权利。)
Did the atheistic bride wear a pretty white dress?(那个不信神的新娘穿着漂亮的白裙吗?)
I do not know how, her slow footsteps and atheistic eyes makes me tired.(不知怎么,她缓慢的脚步和无神的眼睛使我厌倦。)
You have to explain why people listen to atheistic ideas in a way they did not 100 years ago.(你必须解释为什么人们会听从无神论,而在某种程度上,100年前他们却并不如此。)
Pale face, atheistic Yan Tong, purple people.(苍白的脸孔,无神眼瞳,让人发紫。)
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