英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-13 13:26:39



英 [ˈɔ:dəbl]

美 [ˈɔdəbəl]


副词: audibly 名词: audibility

  • 英英释义

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1. a football play is changed orally after both teams have assumed their positions at the line of scrimmage


1. heard or perceptible by the ear

e.g. he spoke in an audible whisper

Synonym: hearable

1. 听得见的
A sound that is audible is loud enough to be heard.


e.g. The Co-lonel's voice was barely audible...
e.g. There was an audible sigh of relief.

Hugh sighed audibly.


1. 喊暗號:他要能精准地将球抛传给接球员(receivers要能迅速地移位以闪避防守球员的擒抱;要能看出攻守阵式优势的消长,而在发球前透过喊暗号(audible)的方式来改变进攻的策略;要能稳当地将球递给将要持球冲锋的球员(一般是将球放在跑者的腹部位置并迅速地让开

2. 听得见的:audible area 聽覺區 | audible 聽得見的 | audiclave 助聽器

3. 可听的:audibility meter 听度计 | audible 可听的 | audible threshold 听阀

4. audible什么意思

4. 可听的、听得见的:audience 听众、观众 | audible 可听的、听得见的 | auditor 旁听生、审计员

  • 经典引文

  • I had rather have their silent Prayers, than their audible ones.

    出自:S. Richardson
  • The hubbub must have been audible to Miss Jackson outside.

    出自:R. Lardner
  • He could hear a distant banging and shouting, but it was scarcely audible over the noise of the celebration.

    出自:M. Frayn
The first level includes audible and visible patterns of behaviour, technology and art.(第一层次包括各种可听可视的行为、技术以及演出。)
A growl is audible; it is a huge dog, who shows his teeth and replaces the English.(他听见一阵狺吠声,是一头张牙露齿、代替英国人的大恶狗。)
The correct ultrasound signal, Pompei suggests, can produce any kind of audible sound.(庞贝表明正确的超声波信号产生的各种声音都可以听见。)
A sound of footsteps was audible in the plain; some patrol was probably approaching.(他听见旷野里有脚步声,也许是什么巡逻队来了。)
In the final moments, heavy footsteps are audible offstage.(最终时刻,沉重的步伐从舞台背后传来。)
Audible notifications can be set to the user's individual needs.(它还能根据用户的特别需要设置发声通知。)
An audible gasp went around the court as the jury announced the verdict.(陪审团宣布判决的时候,法庭上听到倒抽了一口气的声音。)
As I walked into the room, I gave an audible gasp.(走进房间时,我发出了一丝惊讶的声音。)
Sometimes, you might want to make your application a bit more audible.(有的时候,也许你希望让你的应用程序可以发声。)
There followed a barely audible burp.(之后有一声很轻的饱嗝。)
audible是什么意思 audible在线翻译 audible什么意思 audible的意思 audible的翻译 audible的解释 audible的发音 audible的同义词