英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-06-10 13:48:34


英 [ˈbedɪŋ]

美 [ˈbɛdɪŋ]



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1. coverings that are used on a bed

Synonym: bedclothesbed clothing

2. material used to provide a bed for animals

Synonym: bedding materiallitter

1. 卧具;寝具;铺盖
Bedding is sheets, blankets, and covers that are used on beds.

1. 床上用品:慧元国际贸易有限公司(上海代表处)- Wintex ShangHai主要从事纺织品的进出口业务,主要产品为家纺如毛毯(THROW)/窗帘(CURTAIN)/床上用品(BEDDING)及服饰 (APPAREL),客户主要为欧美的零售商及进口商,因业务扩展,现诚聘

2. 层理:其它铸型( 其它铸型 ) 2 3 层理( 层理(Bedding) ) 层理是肉眼能够识别的最显著的宏观沉积特征. 纹层( ):组成层理的最小宏观单位,具有相对一致的成分和结构. 纹层(Laminae): ): 单层( ):层理的基本单元,由成分和形态对一致的纹层组成.

3. 座床:金属柱座床] Pillar bedding [金属柱座床] 座床(bedding)方法之一,其程序是在护木上相对于机匣部固定螺丝处 钻洞,放入中空金属柱,用合成树脂将金属柱固定在护木上,当把机匣部 装回去时,固定螺丝杆穿过金属柱,螺帽锁在金属柱另一面上,

  • 经典引文

  • He hath sold my hangings, and my beddings!

  • Spread with Straw, the bedding of thy Fold.

  • Fairfax..ordered the citizens to provide bedding so that every two soldiers could share a mattress, a bolster and a pair of sheets and blankets.

    出自:C. V. Wedgwood
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

If you change their cage or their bedding, can it still work?(要是你给它们换了笼子或者草垫,它还能继续工作吗?)
Bamboo has become a popular choice in durable, air permeable, soft fabrics, and is used to make bedding, underwear, blankets, bags, hats, and much, much more.(竹子已经普遍用于制作耐用、透气、柔软的织物,并被用于制造床上用品、内衣、毯子、包、帽子等等。)
He hedged off some space in the sitting room for bedding with a screen.(他用屏风在起居室中隔开了一些空间,供他睡觉时使用。)
The community also provides bedding and other disposable daily necessities for guests.(该社区还给客人提供床上用品和其他一次性日用品。)
We've tried to keep the bedding simplified with white linens and a 4-poster bed from Ikea.(我们追求简洁,用了宜家四柱床和白色的床套。)
Gypsy women do a brisk trade in trinkets, elaborately embroidered clothing, bedding, POTS and pans.(吉卜赛族里的女人们经营有方,她们主要售卖小饰品、精美刺绣的服饰、床上用品以及厨房的瓶瓶罐罐。)
Animal furs, grasses, and seaweed were used as carpeting and bedding.(动物毛皮、草皮及海藻被用于铺设地面和床铺。)
This iPod Touch themed bedding comes complete with duvet and pillowcases which has a really unique and cool design.(这一iPodTouch主题寝具品种齐全,有羽绒被褥,有枕头,其设计真是既别致又很酷。)
The farmers are bedding up for planting seedlings.(农民们为栽秧苗翻地作垄。)
He'd been selling 10 and 20-bale loads for horse bedding.(他一直卖10到20包负荷的马厩用品。)
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