英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-06-17 13:37:03



英 [bi:t]

美 [bit]



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1. round red root vegetable

Synonym: beetroot

2. biennial Eurasian plant usually having a swollen edible root
widely cultivated as a food crop

Synonym: common beetBeta vulgaris

1. 甜菜
Beet is a crop with a thick round root. It is often used to feed animals, especially cows.

e.g. ...fields of sweet corn and beet.

2. 甜菜根
Beets are dark red roots that are eaten as a vegetable. They are often preserved in vinegar.

in BRIT, use 英国英语用 beetroot

1. 甜菜:苹果 芦笋 甜菜(beet) 蓝莓 西兰花 哈密瓜 胡萝卜 菜花 芹菜 辣椒 菊苣(endive玉兰菜) 蒲公英(没错,

2. 甜菜根:由於他书中的果汁以甜菜根 (beet) 为主食,而我在美国随地都可以看到它们的存在. 因此,我常常依照书中指示,或以甜菜根为主,其余自己随意加来打成果汁,都非常好喝. 由於甜菜根富含天然红色维生素及铁质,且具换血、造血及清血的功效,

3. 甜菜头:turnip 白萝卜 | beet 甜菜头 | lemon 柠檬

4. 收割的亚麻捆:蜜蜡 beeswax | 收割的亚麻捆 beet | 捶布机 beeting machine

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Tableau offers creamy corn soup, roasted beet salad, napoleon of savory tofu and almond or soy milk latte.(在泰布鲁有玉米浓汤,烤甜菜沙拉,拿破仑风味豆腐还有杏仁奶或豆奶拿铁咖啡。)
The development of sodium absorption capacity by aging beet slices, however, does not require calcium.(然而,随着甜菜薄片的衰老,要提高钠离子的吸收能力,已经无需钙参与作用了。)
At least in a note, I can get the words out without turning beet red.(至少用纸条的方式,我可以表达我的想法而不至于臊红了脸。)
He got to Mrs Beet through an open window.(他通过开着的车窗捉住了她。)
Commercial bioethanol is mostly produced from sugarcane, sugar beet and corn.(商业化生物乙醇主要是利用甘蔗、甜菜和玉米生产的。)
The most important representatives of trisaccharides are raffinose which occurs in sugar beet .(三糖最重要的代表是来自于甜菜糖中的蜜三糖。)
In August, he shocked the sugar beet industry by revoking approval of the beets until the USDA carries out an environmental impact study.(八月,他撤销了对甜菜上市而震惊甜菜工业,直到美农业部进行完环境影响研究。)
When the local sugar beet industry collapsed in 1902, the Issei began to lease land from the valley's strawberry farmers.(1902年,当当地甜菜产业崩溃时,Issei开始向当地的草莓种植者出租土地。)
Start with beet salad, move onto Chicken cacciatore with a side of penne with vodka sauce.(先上红菜头沙拉,再来一道鸡块儿,一边码上拌着伏特加酱的笔尖面。)
Beet roots contain high concentrations of nitrates, which are converted into nitrites by bacteria in the mouth.(甜菜根包含高浓度的硝酸盐,它可被口腔内细菌转化为亚硝酸盐。)
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