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更新时间:2024-06-10 13:51:25



英 [bəˈlɪdʒərənt]

美 [bəˈlɪdʒərənt]



副词: belligerently

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1. someone who fights (or is fighting)

Synonym: combatantbattlerfighterscrapper


1. characteristic of an enemy or one eager to fight

e.g. aggressive acts against another country
a belligerent tone

Synonym: aggressive

2. engaged in war

e.g. belligerent (or warring) nations

Synonym: militantwar-riddenwarring

1. (人)好战的,好斗的,寻衅的
A belligerent person is hostile and aggressive.

e.g. ...the belligerent statements from both sides which have led to fears of war...
e.g. He was almost back to his belligerent mood of twelve months ago.

'Why not?' he asked belligerently.
He could be accused of passion, but never belligerence.

2. 交战国;交战方
The belligerents in a war are the countries or groups that are fighting each other.

e.g. The belligerents were due, once again, to try to settle their differences.

1. 好战的,交战国的:2.atrocity 凶残,残暴 | 3.belligerent 好战的,交战国的 | 4.discretion 判断力,自行裁决,谨慎

2. 交战的:bellicose 好战的 | belligerent 交战的 | bizarre 怪诞的

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

There is no point sulking or being belligerent with the West, the Kremlin seems to have decided.(俄罗斯似乎已经决定没有必要生西方的气或者对西方反唇相讥。)
It turned out, however, that Barroso was on belligerent and coruscating form.(不过,现在我们可以发现巴罗佐已经成了一个令人目眩的好战分子。)
Turkey's recent belligerent reaction to off-shore drilling plans by Cyprus clearly raises doubts on that score.(土耳其最近对塞浦路斯离岸钻探计划的好战反应显然在那一点上提出了质疑。)
However the two nations have disputes over the South China Sea and China's belligerent nationalism.(然而,两国在南中国海和中国好战民族主义方面存在冲突。)
The ships of the Galactic Alliance and Imperial Remnant refused to follow Jacen Solo's increasingly belligerent commands.(银河同盟和帝国残余的舰只拒绝服从杰森·索洛日益频繁的作战命令。)
From the onset of this incident, the hostage-taker seemed to not be belligerent, as shown by the release of hostages.(事件一开始,劫持者看起来并不残暴,这可以从释放人质这一举动看出来。)
China's negotiating position worsened even as it made increasingly belligerent noises.(尽管中国发出强硬的声音,但中国的谈判处于更加不利的境地。)
Recent research bears out the broad brushstrokes of their claim but reveals that women can be equally, if less dangerously, belligerent.(最近的一项研究证明那本书的主要内容是正确的,同时指出即时女人危险性较低,但也和男人具有同等的侵犯性。)
Don't drink. I basically gave up drinking because alcohol makes me so belligerent.(不喝酒。可以说我已经把酒戒了,因为酒精让我很冲。)
Maradona was in belligerent mood after the Uruguay match, when he launched his tirade against journalists, amid a torrent of other abuse.(乌拉圭一站取胜后,马拉多纳对记者讲话时,情绪亢奋,多次辱骂对方。)
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