英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-06-03 13:54:01


英 [bɪˈreft]

美 [bɪˈrɛft]


原级:bereave第三人称单数:bereaves现在分词:bereaving过去分词:bereaved; bereft过去式:bereaved; bereft

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1. sorrowful through loss or deprivation

e.g. bereft of hope

Synonym: bereavedgrief-strickengrievingmourning(a)sorrowing(a)

2. unhappy in love
suffering from unrequited love

Synonym: lovelornunbeloved

1. 失去…的;丧失…的
If a person or thing is bereft of something, they no longer have it.

e.g. The place seemed to be utterly bereft of human life.


1. 被剥夺的:bereavement 丧亡 | bereft 被剥夺的 | beret 贝雷帽

2. bereft的近义词

2. 失去亲人的:bereft 丧失的 | bereft 失去亲人的 | bereft 被剥夺的

3. 寡丧:Benji Off the Leash 本吉:营救大逃亡! | Bereft 寡丧 | Bernard and Doris 伯纳德与桃瑞丝

4. 丧失的:bereavement 死别 | bereft 丧失的 | bereft 失去亲人的

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Beauty's effect with beauty were bereft.(美和美的流泽将一起被截断。)
That Brahma is bereft of sense.(梵天被剥夺了判断力。)
But if you've built your life around your children you'll be terribly bereft.(但如果你一直围着孩子转,那么当他们离开时,你会感到失去亲人般的痛苦。)
The singer's family said they'd been left "bereft" by her death and asked for privacy.(这位歌手的家人称,他们已经失去亲人,希望能够保存隐私。)
The place seemed to be utterly bereft of human life.(看起来,这地方人迹罕至。)
Soon, the village was bereft of male warriors, leaving women and children alone.(很快村子里所有的男人们都作为战士出征了,只剩下妇女和儿童。)
The looters behaved as if altogether bereft of their senses.(掠夺者表现得似乎全都丧失了理智。)
Many are bereft at the mall's demolition, as though suffering the death of a pet.(随着商场的拆毁,好多随之失去,如同痛失爱宠。)
We had been told that we could buy provisions there, and we ended up in a grocery store that felt somewhat bereft.(我们已经被告知可以在那儿买一些食物储备,于是我们在一家食品杂货店停下来,但是这家店让人觉得少了些什么。)
For those of us in the latter group—consigned to coach, bereft of Flash Pass, too poor or proper to pay a placeholder—what do we do?(对于我们这些属于后一类的人——被指派去当教练、没有快速通行证、太穷或不适合付钱给占位者——该怎么办?)
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