英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 14:25:56


英 [ˌbaɪˈfəʊklz]

美 [ˌbaɪˈfoʊklz]



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1. eyeglasses having two focal lengths, one for near vision and the other for far vision

The form bifocal is used as a modifier. bifocal 用作修饰语。

1. 双光眼镜;远近两用眼镜
Bifocals are glasses with lenses made in two halves. The top part is for looking at things some distance away, and the bottom part is for reading and looking at things that are close.

e.g. Mrs Bierce wears thick bifocal lenses.

1. 双光眼镜 双焦镜片 双筒望远镜玻璃:bifocallens 双焦点透镜 双焦镜 双焦透镜 | bifocals 双光眼镜 双焦镜片 双筒望远镜玻璃 | bifocalsegment 双焦面

2. bifocals的反义词

2. 双光眼镜:nowadays 现在 | bifocals 双光眼镜 | develop 研制

3. 双焦点; 双光眼镜 (名):bifocal 双焦点的 (形) | bifocals 双焦点; 双光眼镜 (名) | biforate 有双孔的 (形)

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  • 临近词

It's scary when you have to look through the bottom part of your bifocals to shoot layups and the top part on jump shots.(“这真让人害怕,当你上篮时得从远近视两用眼镜的底部往外看,而跳投时又得换成从顶部看过去”。)
Nowadays, these glasses are known as bifocals.(如今,这被称为双光眼镜。)
I’m thankful that women my age will need bifocals to see the chin hairs that they missed plucking.(我对象我这般年纪的妇女需要双光眼镜才能看清下巴上漏拔的毛发而表示感谢。)
Take care when stepping on and off the escalator; take extra care if you wear bifocals.(在上下扶梯的时候一定要留神,尤其是当你还戴着眼镜的时候。)
Occasionally, children who have crossed eyes may need to have bifocals to help control the crossing.(偶尔有内斜视的孩子会需要双光镜来控制内斜。)
Famous for his electrical experiments, this founding father invented the iron furnace (a. K. A. The franklin stove), the lightning rod, bifocals and a carriage odometer, among other things.(他的电流实验非常有名,他发明了铁熔炉,也叫弗兰克林熔炉,以及避雷针、双光眼镜、车架里程表和其他器件。)
Objective To observe the effects of bifocals on amblyopia in children cataract after implantation of undercorrected IOL (intraocular lens).(目的观察儿童白内障欠矫的人工晶状体植入术后给予配戴双光镜的弱视治疗效果。)
bifocals是什么意思 bifocals在线翻译 bifocals什么意思 bifocals的意思 bifocals的翻译 bifocals的解释 bifocals的发音 bifocals的同义词