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更新时间:2024-05-27 14:26:47


英 [ˌbaɪˈmʌnθli]

美 [ˌbaɪ'mʌnθlɪ]




名词复数: bimonthlies

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1. a periodical that is published twice a month or every two months (either 24 or 6 issues per year)



1. occurring every two months

e.g. bimonthly visits

Synonym: bimestrial

2. occurring twice a month

e.g. a semimonthly publication

Synonym: semimonthly


1. every two months

e.g. the bill was payable bimonthly

2. twice a month

e.g. salaries are paid semimonthly

Synonym: semimonthly

in BRIT, also use 英国英语亦用 bimonthly

1. 双月的;两个月一次的
A bimonthly event or publication happens or appears every two months.

e.g. ...bimonthly assemblies.
e.g. ...bimonthly newsletters.

1. 双月刊:monthly 月刊 | bimonthly 双月刊 | quarterly 季刊

2. bimonthly的意思

2. 双月刊,半月刊:weekly 周刊 | bimonthly 双月刊,半月刊 | yearlybook 年鉴,年刊

3. bimonthly的解释

3. 两月一次的:bimillennium 两千年 | bimonthly 两月一次的 | bin 二进制目标文件-DOS扩展名:

4. 每月二次的:bimodality 双峰性 | bimonthly 每月二次的 | bimorph 双压电晶片

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The famous bimonthly journal International Affairs is one of them.(其中《国际事务》双月刊在国际上影响较大。)
A longitudinal investigation was carried out bimonthly for one year adopting respiratory health questionnaires.(采用呼吸系统健康问卷对所有学生进行纵向随访调查,每两个月随访一次,为期一年。)
Concrete is not sick in the case of three consecutive bimonthly needle.(具体是在不生病的情况下隔月连续打三针。)
The Federal Reserve has contemplated on QE2 for some time, and the PBC and the Fed had communications on a number of occasions, including the regular bimonthly BIS meeting.(应该说,美联储的QE2已经酝酿一段时间了,人民银行与美联储在多种场合进行了多次沟通,国际清算银行每两个月举行一次的例会就是其中一个渠道。)
Under the new plan, customers would pay $45 bimonthly, instead of $18 a month – a substantial increase.(根据新方案,顾客将每两个月支付$45,而不是每个月$18——一个相当大的增长。)
Yin Liangen (2013). Construction. Representation. Interaction: the Characteristic Public Sphere of Weibo. Journalism Bimonthly, 2, 64.(尹连根(2013)。结构。再现。互动:微博的公共领域特征。《新闻大学》,2,64。)
We receive only six bills a year because we are billed on a bimonthly basis.(我一年只收到六次账单,因为我们是双月送账制。)
"Friend Exchange", a bimonthly internal pamphlet provides information on news, AIDS control and prevention, academic articles, and essays to more than 100,000 MSMs.(《朋友通讯》(双月刊),为超过10万人提供艾滋病健康教育知识,新闻咨询和专业性文章。)
This journal is bimonthly, and that one quarterly.(这本杂志是双月刊,那本是季刊。)
"Collectors are going after A-level material, " John Smiroldo, founder and publisher of Antiques and Fine Art, a bimonthly magazine based in Watertown, Mass., said of the auction and show scenes.(“收集者们一般都在A等级材料售出以后才出手。”JohnSiroldo——马萨诸塞州沃特墩城的半月刊《杂志古董与艺术》的创世纪人兼出版商在展览会上展示了这一场景。)
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