英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 14:27:48



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1. 赏鸟:Otonabee river:奥托拿比河 | birdwatching:赏鸟 | riverwatching:观河

2. (在大自然中)观察、研究野鸟:birdwatcher(在大自然中)观察、研究野鸟的人 | birdwatching(在大自然中)观察、研究野鸟 | roast烤过的

3. 观察研究野鸟:birdwatcher 观察、研究野鸟的人 | birdwatching 观察研究野鸟 | roast 烤过的

4. 养鸟,看鸟:bicycling 骑车 | birdwatching 养鸟,看鸟 | board game 棋盘游戏

I'm going birdwatching at the market.(我打算去市场观察鸟类。)
Birdwatching tour is the most important form of ecotourism.(观鸟旅游是生态旅游最重要的表现形式。)
I've lived three summers there, writing, birdwatching, riverwatching.(我在那儿居住了三个夏天:写作、赏鸟、观河。)
offers birdwatching tours with local guides and photographer Ashley Banwell.(提供有当地导游和摄影师AshleyBanwell的观鸟旅行。)
Speaking of wildlife, the Southern African cone is moving into springtime in September. It's cool and dry - perfect for hiking - and couldn't be a better time for birdwatching and animal-spotting.(谈到野生动物,九月的南非角进入了春季,凉爽而干燥,最适宜徒步旅行,同时也是最好的观鸟和观测野生动物的时间。)
This year, members of our Birdwatching Club are studying the different kinds of birds in Zhalong and the changes in their Numbers.(今年我们观鸟俱乐部的正在研究扎龙地区的各种鸟类及它们的数量变化。)
We like birdwatching, We do a bird count twice a year to study the changes in bird numbers. We are now inviting students to.(我们喜欢观鸟,我们每年数两次鸟儿,以研究鸟儿在数量方面的变化。)
Go hiking, go birdwatching, get a dog, walk to work.(去远足,去观鸟,养一条狗,走路上班。)
His hobbies include hiking, swimming and birdwatching.(他的嗜好包括远足、游泳和观鸟。)
Information on where and how to find birds is what glues the birdwatching community together, but most of it is not in a centralized location.(哪里以及如何才能找到鸟的这些信息是把鸟类观察这种群体胶着在一起的纽带,但是大多这一类信息并不集中在某个地点。)
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