英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-06-17 13:49:01



英 [ˈblu:prɪnt]

美 [ˈbluˌprɪnt]



过去式: blueprinted 过去分词: blueprinted 现在分词: blueprinting 第三人称单数: blueprints

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  • 蓝图
  • 设计图
  • 原本,型板,模型
  • 计划,计划大纲,行动方案,计划蓝图
  • 蓝色照相,蓝色印刷术
  • 蓝色版
  • 将...制成蓝图,绘…的蓝图
  • 晒(蓝图)
  • 为...制订计划
  • 制定规划,计划
  • 制成蓝图
  • [C]蓝图,设计图 a copy of plan for making a machine or building a house


1. photographic print of plans or technical drawings etc.

2. something intended as a guide for making something else

e.g. a blueprint for a house
a pattern for a skirt

Synonym: designpattern


1. make a blueprint of

Synonym: draftdraught

1. 蓝图;计划;设想;构想
A blueprint for something is a plan or set of proposals that shows how it is expected to work.

e.g. The country's president will offer delegates his blueprint for the country's future.
e.g. ...the blueprint of a new plan of economic reform.

2. (建筑、设计的)蓝图
A blueprint of an architect's building plans or a designer's pattern is a photographic print consisting of white lines on a blue background. Blueprints contain all of the information that is needed to build or make something.

e.g. ...a blueprint of the whole place, complete with heating ducts and wiring...
e.g. The documents contain a blueprint for a nuclear device.

3. (基因)模型,型板
A genetic blueprint is a pattern which is contained within all living cells. This pattern decides how the organism develops and what it looks like.

e.g. The offspring contain a mixture of the genetic blueprint of each parent...
e.g. DNA is the genetic material inside every cell that carries the blueprints for everything from hair color to the risk of cancer.

1. 计划:J2EE平台由四个关键的部分定义: 规范, 实现参考, 兼容性测试例和蓝图计划(BluePrint). 蓝图描述分布式组件架构的最佳实践和设计指导方针. 本文介绍了基于Rational统一开发过程(Rational Unified Process)和设计图应用实例的八个步骤的J2EE开发.

2. 蓝相片:blue ooze 蓝软泥 | blueprint 蓝相片 | blueschist belt 蓝片岩带

  • 常用例句

  • All the machine parts on a blueprint must answer each other.
  • The report is a blueprint for the reform of the nation's tax system.
Blueprint container with a dependency injection model.(蓝图容器及一个附属的注入模型。)
It is a blueprint to save the world.(这是一份拯救世界的蓝图。)
Your design must be a blueprint that can guide business development and decision making, plus be nimble enough to change course quickly.(您的设计必须是能够指导业务开发和决策制定的蓝图,并且要足够敏捷以快速改变方向。)
Figure 3 shows the default Blueprint grid.(图3显示了默认的Blueprint网格。)
This week, I released a Blueprint for a Secure Energy Future.(本周,我发布了《未来能源安全规划》。)
DNA carries the genetic blueprint which tells any organism how to build itself.(脱氧核糖核酸带有决定有机体形成方式的遗传型板。)
These use cases are not just a blueprint.(这些用例并不仅仅是蓝图。)
The actual business model which outlines the blueprint of a project.(勾勒项目蓝图的实际商业模型。)
And Mr Obama should go to Jerusalem and present his own blueprint.(奥巴马应该到耶路撒冷,展现自己的宏伟蓝图。)
Physical data models - Blueprint of your physical tables and columns.(物理数据模型——物理表和列的蓝图。)
blueprint是什么意思 blueprint在线翻译 blueprint什么意思 blueprint的意思 blueprint的翻译 blueprint的解释 blueprint的发音 blueprint的同义词