英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 14:41:40


英 [ˈbrɔ:dkɑ:stɪŋ]

美 [ˈbrɔ:dkæstɪŋ]


原级:broadcast第三人称单数:broadcasts第三人称复数:broadcasts过去分词:broadcast; broadcasted过去式:broadcast; broadcasted

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  • 广播,播放,播音
  • 广播员的职业
  • 节目制作和播放
  • 广播业
  • 撒播,撒布
  • 《广播》周刊
  • 广播节目
  • 动词broadcast的现在分词形式


1. a medium that disseminates via telecommunications

Synonym: broadcast medium

2. taking part in a radio or tv program

1. (电台或电视台节目的)制作播出,播放
Broadcasting is the making and sending out of television and radio programmes.

e.g. If this happens it will change the face of religious broadcasting.
e.g. ...the state broadcasting organisation.

1. 传播:传统的大众传播(Broadcasting)技术是面向分布在几百公里、几千公里甚至全球的人群来传播信息,并且在信息内容上追求满足最大多数人的兴趣. 而窄播技术的概念则是针对特定的人群、特定的时间、特定的场合来传播特定的信息,

2. (宽带与有线电视):109. Business(商业2.0) | 110. Broadcasting(宽带与有线电视) | 111. Backpacker(背包客)

We were broadcasting on all the major channels.(我们在全部主要频道播送节目。)
This news broadcasting channel is also referred as FNC or Fox News.(这个新闻广播频道也称为FNC或福克斯新闻。)
The printing, broadcasting and advertising industries are all involved with informing, educating and entertaining.(印刷业、广播业以及广告业都与信息、教育和娱乐有关。)
We have finished our project from broadcasting.(我们已经通过广播完成了我们的计划。)
Broadcasting his ambition was "very much my decision," McGee says.(麦吉说,宣扬他的抱负“在很大程度上是我的决定”。)
Public broadcasting services generally absorb the small additional cost.(公共广播服务基本上能够消化小额的额外成本。)
It is to start broadcasting no later than the end of 1994.(开始广播不会晚于1994年底。)
Local We have a small local broadcasting station in our town.(我们镇上有个小规模的地方广播电台。)
Two new television stations have started broadcasting.(两家新电视台已经开播。)
They began broadcasting in 1922.(他们于1922年开播。)
broadcasting是什么意思 broadcasting在线翻译 broadcasting什么意思 broadcasting的意思 broadcasting的翻译 broadcasting的解释 broadcasting的发音 broadcasting的同义词