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更新时间:2024-06-03 14:13:43


英 ['brʌðə(r) ɪn lɔ:]

美 [ˈbrʌðərɪnˌlɔ]


名词复数: brothers-in-law

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1. a brother by marriage

1. 大伯子;小叔子;内兄;内弟;姐夫;妹夫;连襟
Someone's brother-in-law is the brother of their husband or wife, or the man who is married to their sister.

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He said he would take his brother, brother-in-law and niece.(他说,他将带上他的兄弟,弟媳,和侄女一同前往。)
Barbara: 'I wasn't talking about the office - I was talking about my brother-in-law.(芭芭拉:“我没有讲办公室里的事情,我在讲我妹夫的事啊。”)
My brother-in-law, a pilot for a commercial airline, let me travel on his family ticket.(当时我的姐夫正任职民航客机飞行员,他让我享用他的家属票乘机。)
She and her children made it to higher ground, but not before losing her home and her brother-in-law, who hasn't been seen since.(在家园被洪水淹没,亲人也失散之后,她和孩子们设法到达高地,却再也没有见到亲人。)
I retired to the back porch with my two brothers and brother-in-law, and sat down in a rocking chair with a sigh.(我和我的两个兄弟和连襟一起到后长廊去,坐在摇椅里闲谈。)
My brother is not here. My brother-in-law said that she had pretty long red hair.(我兄弟不在这里。我的姐夫说她有一头相当长的红色的头发。)
Marian's brother-in-law read the English page, as dedicated as a nice little boy reading the funnies.(玛丽安的妹夫在读报纸的英文专页,就像听话的小男孩在看滑稽连环画时那么专注。)
The idea came from Terry David, Wilson's brother-in-law.(创意来自威尔逊的妹夫特里·大卫。)
Jan Harlan, Kubrick's brother-in-law and his producer from a Clockwork Orange on, says: "his big mistake is that he never talked back to the press."(简·哈兰,库布里克的大伯,同时也是《发条橙》的制片人表示,“他最大的过错就是不表态,无论别人说什么,他的态度是罪重要的。”)
My brother-in-law graduated in English department and had been an English teacher, once we write to each other in English.(我的弟弟毕业于英语专业,还做过英语辅导,我们曾经一度用英文通信。)
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