英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-06-17 14:00:48


英 [ˈbraʊbi:t]

美 [ˈbraʊˌbit]


名词: browbeater 过去式: browbeat 过去分词: browbeaten 现在分词: browbeating 第三人称单数: browbeats

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1. discourage or frighten with threats or a domineering manner

Synonym: bullyswagger

2. be bossy towards

e.g. Her big brother always bullied her when she was young

Synonym: strong-armbullybullyragballyragboss aroundhectorpush around

The form browbeat is used in the present tense and is also the past tense. browbeat的过去式和原形相同。

1. 威逼;恫吓
If someone tries to browbeat you, they try to force you to do what they want.


e.g. ...attempts to deceive, con, or browbeat the voters...
e.g. When I backed out of the 100 metres, an older kid tried to browbeat me into it.

...the browbeaten employees.

1. 恫吓:brow 眉毛 | browbeat 恫吓 | brown bread 黑面包

2. 欺侮:brow 表情 | browbeat 欺侮 | brown 棕色

3. browbeat的反义词

3. 威脅恫嚇:17.Witch Hunter獵巫人..........20x2 | Browbeat 威脅恫嚇 .............50x1 | Disintegrate 分解 ...........25x1

4. 恫吓, 吓唬:(1) Tinge 使带上色彩 | (2) Browbeat 恫吓, 吓唬 | (3) Take lying down 逆来顺受, 躺倒认输, 不作反抗

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They can browbeat and cajole.(他们可以连哄带吓。)
We are while the convenience that enjoys email to be brought to us to the top of one's bent is quick, also be passed email to browbeat to ours possibly at any time by a lot of illegal users.(我们在尽情享受电子邮件给我们带来的方便快捷的同时,也随时可能受到许多不法用户通过电子邮件对我们的威胁。)
Monthly stairs to browbeat your competitors.(每月步骤主宰你的竞争对手。)
The judge browbeat the witness.(那法官威吓证人。)
Dedicate yourself to photography, but never browbeat yourself too much.(花时间在摄影上,但也别给力过度哈。)
But it is the responsibility of doctors to inform patients and allow them to make a decision based on this knowledge, not browbeat them into submission.(医生有责任告诉患者相关信息,允许他们基于这些信息做出决定,而不应该威逼他们服从。)
Mr Angelides was a perennial thorn in the side of business, using California's state pension plan to browbeat bosses of firms he disapproved of, and he retains a dim view of Wall Street.(安吉利迪斯向来都是商业界的眼中刺,他曾使用加州的养老金计划来威逼他不喜欢的公司老板们就范,而且他一直用悲观的眼光来看待华尔街。)
They are literally trying to browbeat Japan into a state of constant submission.(他们简直是在试图恐吓日本以使其处于一种永远顺从的状态。)
The boss browbeat me into taking on all this extra work.(老板威逼我接受所有这个额外的工作。)
When I backed out of the 100 metres, an older kid tried to browbeat me into it.(当我退出100米赛的时候,一个年龄大的孩子试图逼迫我参赛。)
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