英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 14:44:16


英 [ˈbildʌp]

美 [ˈbɪldˌʌp]



  • 词典解释

1. 逐步的增长
A build-up is a gradual increase in something.

e.g. There has been a build-up of troops on both sides of the border...
e.g. The disease can also cause a build up of pressure in the inner ear leading to severe earache.

2. (对某活动的)宣传,造舆论
The build-up to an event is the way that journalists, advertisers, or other people talk about it a lot in the period of time immediately before it, and try to make it seem important and exciting.

e.g. We should wait at least until winter before we start the build-up to Christmas...
e.g. The exams came, almost an anticlimax after the build-up that the students had given them.

Male hormones help build up the body's resistance to stress.(男性荷尔蒙有助于增强身体对压力的抵抗力。)
The agents were able to utilize their full potential and experiences to build up the company.(这些代理人能够充分利用他们的潜力和经验来促进公司发展。)
To build up my own finances, I need around 20% more in personal savings and 50% less debt.(为了积累自己的财力,我需要增加20%左右的个人储蓄,并减少50%的债务。)
Build up your tan slowly and don't allow your skin to burn.(将你的皮肤慢慢晒黑,不要让皮肤晒伤。)
The police are trying to build up a picture of what happened.(警方正试图掌握事情发生的经过。)
Current thinking suggests that toxins only have a small part to play in the build-up of cellulite.(流行的观点认为毒素只对脂肪团形成起很小的作用。)
There has been a build-up of troops on both sides of the border.(边境两边的军队都在逐渐增兵。)
Joe was doing a lot of exercise to build up her strength.(乔进行了大量的锻炼以增强她的体力。)
TEMs work by firing a beam of electrons through the material and measuring how it absorbs and deflects the particles to build up an image of the sample.(TEMs的工作原理是通过发射一束电子穿过某种物质,并测量它如何吸收和偏转粒子来建立样本的图像。)
She has always been encouraged to swim to build up the strength of her muscles.(她总是被鼓励去游泳以增强肌肉力量。)
build-up是什么意思 build-up在线翻译 build-up什么意思 build-up的意思 build-up的翻译 build-up的解释 build-up的发音 build-up的同义词