英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 14:51:45


英 [kə'lʌmnɪeɪt]

美 [kəˈlʌmniˌet]


名词: calumniation 过去式: calumniated 过去分词: calumniated 现在分词: calumniating 第三人称单数: calumniates

  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释



1. charge falsely or with malicious intent
attack the good name and reputation of someone

e.g. The journalists have defamed me!The article in the paper sullied my reputation

Synonym: defameslandersmirchaspersedenigratesmearsullybesmirch

1. calumniate的解释

1. 中伤, 诽谤:electrostatic instrument 静电式仪表 | calumniate 中伤, 诽谤 | spark plug adapter 火花塞座

2. 诽谤:calumet 烟斗 | calumniate 诽谤 | calumniation 诽谤

3. 诽谤,中伤:crack 裂缝,裂口 vi.爆裂,破裂 | calumniate 诽谤,中伤 | capitulate (有条件地)投降.

4. 中伤; 诽谤 (动):calumet 和平象征的烟斗 (名) | calumniate 中伤; 诽谤 (动) | calumniation 诽谤; 中伤 (名)

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Thou shalt not calumniate thy neighbour, nor oppress him by violence. The wages of him that hath been hired by thee shall not abide with thee until the morning.(你不要欺压剥削你的近人,佣人的工钱不可在你处过夜,留到第二天早晨。)
Ascend the wave son to strictly forbid in to cause disturbance wildly for the and calumniate without restraint.(对于骄狂登徒浪子严禁进入捣乱和肆意诽谤。)
I have never seen people like you calumniate others like this!(我从来没有见过像你这样中伤别人的人!)
Calumniating me is to calumniate your friend!(诽谤我也就是诽谤你的朋友!)
calumniate是什么意思 calumniate在线翻译 calumniate什么意思 calumniate的意思 calumniate的翻译 calumniate的解释 calumniate的发音 calumniate的同义词