英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 14:54:42



英 [ˈkæpɪtəlaɪz]

美 [ˈkæpɪtl:ˌaɪz]

vt.以大写字母写;使 ... 资本化;估价


形容词: capitalizable 过去式: capitalized 过去分词: capitalized 现在分词: capitalizing 第三人称单数: capitalizes

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1. convert (a company's reserve funds) into capital

Synonym: capitalise

2. consider expenditures as capital assets rather than expenses

Synonym: capitalise

3. compute the present value of a business or an income

Synonym: capitalise

4. write in capital letters

Synonym: capitalise

5. draw advantages from

e.g. he is capitalizing on her mistake
she took advantage of his absence to meet her lover

Synonym: capitalisetake advantage

6. supply with capital, as of a business by using a combination of capital used by investors and debt capital provided by lenders

Synonym: capitalise

in BRIT, also use 英国英语亦用 capitalise

1. 利用
If you capitalize on a situation, you use it to gain some advantage for yourself.

e.g. The rebels seem to be trying to capitalize on the public's discontent with the government.

2. 使资本化;使资金化
In business, if you capitalize something that belongs to you, you sell it in order to make money.


e.g. Our intention is to capitalize the company by any means we can...
e.g. The company will be capitalized at £2 million.

...a massive capitalization programme.

1. capitalize什么意思

1. 利用:凭借着获得国家科技部中小企业创新基金的知识抓取(Capture)、知识分类(Categorize)、知识利用(Capitalize)的业内领先知识管理技术,微宏为疾控中心提供了实用可行的知识管理解决方案,深得评标专家的青睐.

  • 经典引文

  • The publishers..do not intend to capitalize the publicity.

    出自:Publishers Weekly
  • The Cambodian left is now in a position to mobilize the peasantry, capitalizing on Sihanouk's personal prestige.

    出自:N. Chomsky
I usually capitalize all variables within my scripts, as shown in Listing 3, but you don't have to.(我通常使用大写形式来表示脚本内的所有变量,如清单3所示,但您不需要这样做。)
These might not be pipe dreams if scientists can capitalize on a finding in the journal Nature.(如果科学家们能够充分利用《自然》杂志上刊登的一项研究结果,那么实现这些景象就不是白日做梦了。)
Or to capitalize each word in a list: type.(或者大写列表中的每个单词。)
He has placed human shields so as to maximize civilian casualties and capitalize on the resulting press.(他布置人体盾牌,以最大限度地利用平民伤亡和由此产生的新闻。)
Plato was the first really to capitalize on, which is people always want what is good.(柏拉图是第一个真正利用了这一点的人,就是人们总是想要好的东西。)
Scotland is getting ready to capitalize on something the country has plenty of: fierce, stormy waves.(苏格兰正准备对本国富有的猛烈风浪资源加以捕捉利用。)
If you hesitate to capitalize on something new and exciting, you may simply miss out.(假如当你面对新鲜、有趣的事情是仍旧犹豫不决,那么你就会错过机会。)
The trick is to not only identify areas you need to improve, but to capitalize on your God-given strengths!(诀窍在于,不仅确定你需要改进的那些方面,而且着重利用你的上帝赐予的强项!)
Capitalize all proper nouns but not the articles (a, an) that precede them.(把所有的专有名词大写,它们之前的冠词(a,an)则不用。)
Swype will auto capitalize the first word in a sentence like other keyboards.(Swype像其它键盘一样,可以自动将每句话的首字母大写。)
capitalize是什么意思 capitalize在线翻译 capitalize什么意思 capitalize的意思 capitalize的翻译 capitalize的解释 capitalize的发音 capitalize的同义词