英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 15:00:09



英 [ˈkætəgəraɪz]

美 ['kætəɡəraɪz]


形容词: categorizable 名词: categorization 过去式: categorized 过去分词: categorized 现在分词: categorizing 第三人称单数: categorizes

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1. place into or assign to a category

e.g. Children learn early on to categorize

Synonym: categorise

in BRIT, also use 英国英语亦用 categorise

1. 对…进行分类;把…归类
If you categorize people or things, you divide them into sets or you say which set they belong to.


e.g. Lindsay, like his films, is hard to categorise...
e.g. Make a list of your child's toys and then categorise them as sociable or antisocial.

Her first novel defies easy categorisation.
...the categorisation of new types of missiles.

1. 加以类别:categorise 加以类别 | categorize 加以类别 | category 分类

2. 类化[陈:catastrophism 劇變說,災變說[陶] | categorize 類化[陳103] | categorization 範疇化[廖449]

3. 分類;歸類:Chinese 中文 | categorize 分類;歸類 | category 範疇;總類;類別

Hide the first column in the view, sort it ascending, and categorize it.(隐藏视图中的第一列,按升序进行排序,并对其进行分类。)
How do I categorize a customer order?(如何将客户订单分类?)
Columns can be used to categorize data.(列可用于分类数据。)
You then need to categorize the asset in the next screen.(然后在下一个屏幕中,需要对资产进行分类。)
If you want to designate a period, you have to look at tangible things like pottery, particularly painted pottery, because it's easier to categorize.(如果你想标注某段时期,你必须借助有形的事物,就像陶器,尤其是彩绘陶器,因为它们更容易分类。)
Test plan records enable you to categorize and group related test cases.(测试计划记录使您能够对相关的测试用例加以分类和分组。)
There was not much agreement about how to identify or categorize earlier eras.(关于如何鉴别或归类早期的时代,人们没有达成多少共识。)
Heck, we've even managed to categorize refactoring into a handy set of patterns!(我们甚至已经设法将重构分类成一系列便利的模式!)
Maintenance - tag, sort, categorize, repeat - would gobble up all your time.(贴标签,整理,分类,复制,这些维持数据的方法会吞噬你所有的时间。)
Accent is something somewhat difficult to define and categorize.(重音是很难定义和分辨的。)
categorize是什么意思 categorize在线翻译 categorize什么意思 categorize的意思 categorize的翻译 categorize的解释 categorize的发音 categorize的同义词